CR post

Apr 09, 2011 15:36

Due to this being Haruko, her views of other people are a bit twisted and based in a warped sense of what it actually means to interact with others.

<3<3<3<3: Haruko has a romantic interest in you, for now this reserved for Naota.
<3<3<3: Haruko has interest in you beyond her typical need to play with people.
<3 <3: Haruko considers you a "Friend" ie: someone she enjoys messing with in a non-malicious way.
<3: Haruko has interest in you and/or believes you could be useful in the future.
= Neutral, Haruko has met you, but show little interest in you or sees you as useless to her grander plans.
X: Haruko harbors a grudge or minor issue with you and will not hesitate to mess with you given the change.
XX: Haruko hates you and given the opportunity might give into violence whine provoked.

Though Killua often makes fun of Haruko, well, for being Haruko. They seem to understand each other on some levels. On some levels Killua's nature reminds her of Naota, though not enough to arouse the same feelings. Notable events between the two in the fact that Killua drug Haruko back to the clinic after her failed kidnapping of Zuko.

Fran lived with Haruko for a time at Devil's Nest. As most people do, Fran comments on Haruko's various strange habits constantly, such as her constant nudity and seemingly endless well of perversity. To put things simply, Fran is Haruko's favorite play thing at the moment in that while he berates her for her antics he still puts up with them. The fact that the two dated during the family event still lingers in Haruko's mind.

Haruko's old toy. She attempted to kidnap him ages ago in a failed attempt to open an NO portal and escape Adstringenum. Though she enjoyed annoying him in the past, the fact that he no longer responds to her constant poking have dissipated much of the enjoyment she formally got from the act.

A space pirate who shared Haruko's love of random mayhem and destruction. He was a fellow resident of Devil's Nest for time. She may have had feelings for him but that really never came to a head.

Founder of Devil's Nest. Haruko admired his desire to create a place form the less desireable elements of Adstring to stay. Haruko is currently trying to keep this dream alive, though she is currently living along.

Haruko not!boyfriend. Though he was the key to her plan to obtain Atomsk's power, a plan which ultimately failed because Haruko had built up to much affection for her in the youth. Being alone in Adstring has made Haruko think a bit more about there relationship then she had back home. Due to all this, she honestly has no idea how she feels about the kid right now.

Feel free to comment if you want to know how Haruko feels about your pups~

ooc, cr

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