
Aug 09, 2006 05:42

i hate nature. fuck the trees fuck the grass fuck it all plants are stupid. i woke up today at 05:00 my chest was tight i couldnt breath and it felt like something was stabbing my left lung. fucking great way to wake up 2 hrs before i have to. and all because i had to fucking weed wack the side of the road yesterday. fuck me. it was fine last night when i went to bed but now i got nothing. fuck allergies. when did people decide that "oh man we are tooo healthy. lets be so heathy that our imune system will over fucking react to things like pollen. oh why stop there lets put animal dander on that list. and why not go for the whole shebang and put food on there." anyone want a pair of perfectly good lungs? they just need a good cleaning. this is all my noses fault. the damn thing doesnt even work right. i cant smell... anything but somehow i can get pollen in my nose and it closes up tighter than fort nox and runs and is stuffy and makes me just the happiest person in the world. FUCK OFF!

PS. reality tv bites. ill stick to something less scripted like... the simpsons.

fuck, off

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