spring breakfast

Mar 23, 2005 12:17

So, I'm done with finals. I was done yesterday, as of 8:05 am. I had my last take home final to turn in, which had to be turned in no later than 8:10 am, otherwise it's considered a zero. I know that you're thinking that I'm a slacker and I got it turned in only five minutes before the deadline, but I'm not. it's just that the TA didn't show up until 8:05. Anyway, I basically got all my finals done on Monday because I wrote the last one on Monday night. Finally saw the new Bruce Willis movie, Hostage. It was incredibly filmic. The director must be a fan of either film noir or German Expressionism because that movie had a LOT of expressionist qualities to it. Aside from that, it referenced just about every cool movie Bruce Willis has ever made. All in all, I liked it.

I had a good guitar lesson today. It's funny because Dave is one of the only people who is more of a guitar geek than I am. It's especially good to have a guitar geek teacher because he finds all kinds of cool articles and stuff for me about the type of guitar stuff I'm interested in. If I was an inner city kid, he'd be my Guitar Big Brother.

Long rehearsal tonight - yessssssssssssss
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