Icons100 batch #1

Dec 24, 2006 12:58

First batch for
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icons100, bug, group, lilybug

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Comments 18

anacharlie January 4 2007, 01:34:04 UTC
Lady Bug, you rock! =D


6sou January 6 2007, 13:21:26 UTC
Thanks =)
*a little more than a week before CJ's back!*yay!


nici_cavanaugh January 14 2007, 15:56:14 UTC
These are really great. I like the different styles you used on each icon. Great job!!
After finishing my 100 Alias icons, I just signed up for 100 x Jordan. So, you may have some company. Now I have to search for caps *g* And: Tonight's the night!! *yeah*


6sou January 19 2007, 22:23:38 UTC
Thank you ^_^ I'm quite new to PS (used to have PSP) so I'm still experimenting =P
Yay for 100xJordan! We definetly need more icons of the show ^_^ (well, I'll never get enough!) and I always love yours ;)


somethinksfishy January 26 2007, 01:20:59 UTC
Ooooh boy. 100 Bug Icons?! I'm going to die of happiness!! The things you do to me Celine! ;)

I absolutely love them all :D so far I really love 36 (Joy) and 20 (Love) and 3 (Embrace).... hehe, can you pick the obsessive theme here? *cough* LilyBug


6sou January 26 2007, 20:28:27 UTC
LilyBug 4 ever! =)
please CJ, give me pics to do the "kiss" icon... =)


somethinksfishy January 27 2007, 07:12:27 UTC
ooooooooh boy, they better!!!! Nobody will hear from me that entire week because I'll be watching that scene over and over again.... after my fainting spell that is!!


anacharlie February 10 2007, 23:52:04 UTC
Those are amazing! I loved #87 very, very much!!! =D


6sou February 27 2007, 16:09:27 UTC
LilyBug 4 ever! =D


nici_cavanaugh February 24 2007, 14:34:16 UTC
Wow, you're done :)
Congratulations!! I know how much work it is to find the right caps to make such beautiful icons.
I can't say which icons I love most, because each and every one is unique and special. Great job!!!


6sou February 27 2007, 16:07:05 UTC
Thank you ^_^
I think I'll take an option on Jordan so I can get it after you. Or Lily. Or both... =P


nici_cavanaugh February 27 2007, 17:45:48 UTC
I hope I will complete Jordan after my exam next week. So you won't have to wait too long to claim Jordan. But Lily would be interesting, too ... :)


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