Feb 10, 2007 11:52
Wellsir, life has been moving at a very erratic pace lately. Quite frankly, I don't know what to make of it.
I'm used to things either speeding along happily or getting bogged down in the morass of conflict and drama and finance and other such things. But, it's been so off and on lately. One day I'll feel that progress towards a very good looking future is being made at a rapid rate, and then the next will roll along and it's stagnant again.
This isn't true in all aspects, no-no. I'm happy with some parts of my life all the time. I've honestly given up caring about wether or not my parents divorce. My mom's being such a self-centered bitch, while my dad's being a whiny jackass that the situation almost begs for someone to walk up and say "For christ's sake, just fucking do it already." It's pissing me off that they would hold it over me and my sister's heads as a grim punishment should we fail to maintain the cleanliness of the house. Yeah, that's a great thing to say to your fifteen year-old daughter. "Clean your room or we'll divorce."
I can't wait to get out of here this summer.
This past Thursday, me, Scott and David went to Taco Bell so I could try those new Taquito things. Spoiler: They're just a quesadilla rolled up into a shitty looking tube. Still, I like the quesadillas, so I was happy. And they were really cheap.
Later on in the day, Earl called and asked me to meet at his place before we went to Boomer's. I showed up and watched him play Final Fantasy XII while fighting off his dogs who really, REALLY wanted that juice box. Eventually, Scott called saying that he was on his way to Boomer's, so off we went. It was pretty dead by the time we got there, so we had no trouble playing House of the Dead Four. Which was amazing once we figured out how to reload properly(shake the gun!). Me and Earl got bored of that, so we offered Scott and Miles a FOUR WAY DEATH CHALLENGE in some game that I can't remember the name of. Basically, you move and fire with a joystick and aim with a trackball. I had the squished screen, but I never realized. So, the entire time I'm sitting there going "Fuck, these graphics are terrible. Look at my guy, he's like a fucking midget. What's up with that?" until someone else looked over and said "Oh, your screen's messed up." Awesome.
We played a couple rounds of that(first place, baby) and ventured outside to get in an hour of minigolf.
It was a lot of fun, mostly because with about 4 holes we all ended up walking off in frustration and mumbling "Just give me six fucking strokes for that." It's a game that you hate for the first 10 minutes then love the next 10. Still, I love mini-golf. Hard. Eventually, Miles kicked our asses squarely, Earl got second place and me and Scott tied for last. At least I didn't crash alone, eh?
We went to Denny's afterwards, talked about this and that before parting ways for the evening with wishes of "We must do this again!"
That we must, boys. That we must.
I'll update more later, I just realized I have to go to the bank. Daaaaamn.