Nov 10, 2006 23:26
So I've started my second ACCEL class. Started yesterday.
It's a personal adjustment class. So, if you can imagine, we had to choose something about ourselves that we wanted to change.
I feel that I am taken advantage of entirely too often, and I just sit there and take it. I don't stick up for myself, and I realized that that could potentially make me an "easy target" so to speak. It happens all the time at work, and occasionally at other times. Remember that day last year, on my way back to school from observation at the high school (not student teaching, that was this semester), that woman who got into my car? and I drove her to some guy's house? Yeah, that's the shit I'm talking about. I don't want to be the one who just sits there and lets that kind of thing happen anymore.
So, what I'm to do, is not change my behavior for a week, until Thursday next week. Just continue to do everything as I normally would until then. I'm to record any situation that occurred when I had the chance to assert myself, and whether I actually did or not.
The week after is when I'm supposed to try and change the behavior. I'm supposed to record results then as well. When the fifth week starts, that's when I'm supposed to write about this whole experience.
All the while, I'm supposed to be keeping (wouldn't ya know it?) a journal every night. How convenient. :D
I want you guys to be able to see this, well...I don't know why. I suppose to let you know that I'm workin' on something about myself, finally.