Foundations Podfic - Chapter 12

Mar 13, 2010 11:55

Well, here it is - Chapter 12. The last chapter.

I feel like I should have something very profound to say, but I really don't. I just want to thank Nat again for allowing me to record her wonderful stories. This has been an incredible experience, and I've had a tremendously fun time doing it.

Thanks also for all the lovely comments - it really does make a difference to know that people are listening and enjoying the podfic.

Now, on to the practicalities. Those of you who have already read the story will know that this is a really long chapter. I mean really, really long. Like, over 6 hours. So, after some discussion with Nat, we decided that it would be a good idea to break it into two pieces to make it a bit less painful to download. Also I was a bit afraid that my editing program might not be able to cope with something that long. Part One is around 2 hr 45 min and Part Two is 3 hr and 25 min.

There is a reason for the length, though. This chapter has a bit of everything (and an extra big helping of humour): there's the interview with Rita, a confrontation with Tremellen, adjusting to Clive no longer living at Grimmauld, a pity-flapjack crisis, more Latin with Narcissa and many, many other fantastic moments. When I got to the end, I had a wee teary moment, and then I just sat and hummed with contentment for a while. Then I got a bit depressed that it's done. I'm mostly over that, though, because there's so much more still to record!

My next project (for anyone who's interested) will be saras_girl's On a Clear Day, which is a fabulous h/d story. The thing I'm really stoked about, though, is that it's from Draco's point of view. I have loved reading Harry's POV through all of Reparations and Foundations, but I really do love Draco, and I'm so excited to have the chance to get into his voice.

The story is funny and touching and all of the things you expect from saras_girl. This is a long one-shot (40,000 words or so), and I need to spend some time with it before starting to record, so expect it to be at least a few weeks. I'm going to aim for Easter-ish.

I will be working on the Foundations one-shots probably as soon as I've finished On a Clear Day. Fluffy!verse is going to have to wait in line. Also, Fluffy!verse has all of these really challenging things like words being spelled out on hands and visual puzzles that may be a bit of a bitch to deliver in podfic form. But I'll worry about that when I get there.

So, thanks for listening, and here's the link!

Foundations Folder.

h/d, collaboration, podfic

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