Foundations Podfic - Chapter 9

Dec 03, 2009 18:33

Chapter 9 is done - all 2 hours and 20 minutes of it! Only three to go...

So, I was interested to find out that a fair few of you had not already read the text version of this story. I will be more careful with my assumptions in the future (well, no I probably won't, but we can all just pretend). I was endlessly pleased to find out that some people who had never heard of this story found out about it by listening to the pod-version. I can't tell you how tickled I am by that!

I hope that I didn't spoil anyone by mentioning the emotional turmoil of Chapter 8, and I will be more conscious of possible spoilers in future. Although I will just say - Chapter 9: hallway!sex. Mmmm...spicy!

And now, without further ado, the link: Foundations Folder

h/d, collaboration, podfic

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