I fail at schedules

Nov 09, 2009 20:00

So this is not the next chapter of the Foundations podfic. This is just me surfacing briefly to say I'm a bit behind, but the next chapter will be coming soon. I have the big nasty horrible budget presentation to get through tomorrow (you want HOW much money?!?!), and then I get Wednesday off for Remembrance Day. Other than observing two minutes of silence at 11 a.m., I promise to devote myself to completing Chapter 8.

Also, I apologize to anyone who has left me a comment in the last week or so - I have been supremely unresponsive. I do read and appreciate the comments (especially the one about giving up my job and just recording fics full time - I think that's a fabulous idea! If only I did not need to pay bills, and buy food and those other frivolous things). I promise I will get caught up soon.


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