Welcome To Hell

Feb 12, 2006 21:19

And this in my first entry here. I've had an LJ before, but I never updated and I ended up losing the link when Mozilla Foxfire deleted all of my links. Anywho, I might not update a lot, because I'm very busy. I'm only making this because right now I need somewhere to write down my frustrations. Currently I'm very ticked off at my brother. Allow me to enlighten you.

Two months ago my mother finally bought a cordless mouse that cost us forty-five dollars. I really like the mouse because my seven cats enjoy taking turns sitting on this desk I'm at, and they tend to lay on the mouse cord. However, with a cordless mouse, there's no problem!

Now, you see, my brother plays this online game called Guild Wars, which I really don't mind. The problem is he clicks the left mouse button a lot, and he clicks HARD. Well, apparently, even though the mouse is only two months old, he managed to wear out the left mouse button! Now we only have the right mouse button, which is the primary clicking button now. The left one is dead as a door nail.

The fact that this happened is bad enough, but my brother doens't even seem to care! My mother yelled at him, so I have no right to kill him now. The worst part is I can't do things like copy & pasting, quick closing programs, and such. It really pisses me off. I wouldn't feel half as mad if the little drip actually seemed to give a damn.

Anywho, that's all for now. I've got to stop focusing on this post and start focusing on the love of my life, who happens to be on MSN for once.

Oh, and before I post this, one last thing. My brother also tried to blame ME for helping kill the mouse! I hardly using the effing thing! Okay. I'm done now. Bye.
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