
A Plea For Help (For Those That Don't Read MySpace)

Aug 25, 2005 13:09

Man, I am so happy to be moving back to Sacramento! Within 3 hours of having the keys to my new place, I already had 6 people over and dinner and fun! So much nicer than Davis!

Anyway - I NEED help moving! I need it bad! If you have a truck or big car (mine's fairly useless since the trunk is smashed in...) or even hands to help me move shit, I would be very very grateful. Once I get all my shit moved, I'll be leaving town for a bit, but I will repay everyone who helps me, probably buy you all dinner - actually, I'll COOK everyone dinner in my new giant built-in wok! Stir-Fry, yay!

My plan is to move as much as possible Friday afternoon/evening, then hit the hot tub and pool, then move all day Saturday then swim again to cool down. Anyone available and like me enough to help out? Remember that time I took a bullet for you in 'Nam? Or, more realistically, remember pretty much anytime you ever asked me to do anything for you, cuz I'm a sucker for helping anyone it's within my power to help...

So, yeah, can you help me? Please?!

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