Move along.. you don't need to read this. It's for Denise and herself.

Jul 01, 2006 23:37

Well, I figured talking to myself on LJ will help me learn/remember stuff easily. Guess what? It worked. :)

Sit your ass, down..

1. Glomerular Filtration [oh, you better fucking know what glomerulus is]
Effective Filtration Pressure = [outward forces] - [inward forces]
= [Hydrostatic pressure of glomerulus - Hydrostatic pressure of Bowman's capsule] - [Osmotic pressure of glomerulus - Osmotic pressure of Bowman's capsule]

= [55mmHg - 15mmHg] - [30mmHg - 0]
= 40mmHg - 30mmHg
= 10mmHg

Keep in mind: if EFP is POSITIVE, there is a NET filtration from compartment A (glomerulus) to B (Bowman's)

if EFP is NEGATIVE, there is a NET reabsorption from compartment B to A..

Yay..onto the next formula, Denise....

Glomerular Filtration Rate = Effective Filtration Pressure X Filtration Coefficient
= 10mmHg X 12.5mmHg
= 125ml
= 24 [125ml(60min)]
= 18000 ml/day
= 180L/day <---- that's how much pee you filter in those beans of yours, jackass. nyahahhaha.

*hydrostatic pressure is generated by the flow of the fluid n your body. The main master? Your heart, of course. Lub dub, lub dub...

*osmotic pressure is generated by the particles dissolved in the fluid. The more particles dissolved, the greater the osmotic pressure is.

Mmhmm. Are there factors that affect the GFR? Certainly.

*Increased hydrostatic pressure leads to increased GFR and vice versa
*GFR is opposed by the a)osmotic pressure of the glomerulus and b)hydrostatic pressure of the Bowman's
*Autnomic Nervous System, dear! How so? *siigh*
- increased sympathetic response will lead to decreased GFR
- increased parasympathetic response will lead to increased GFR
*..and unfortunately there's this guy called J.G Apparatus, Denise. Bloody complicated but we'll tackle him together. :) What does J.G stand for again...? Let's hear it! Juxtaglomerular! he's located between the afferent arteriole and the D-d-distal convoluted tubule. Hmm. He regulates the blood flow to the kidneys.. and well, he has this structure in him called the Macula Densa, which has chemoreceptors.. ding ding ding! Keyword: chemoreceptor! There ya go! Let's say, Mr. J.G senses high potassium. What will happen? Well.... the cells of J.G will produce this hormone called Renin (with a single 'N'). Ah, interesting. And I suppose the production of Renin will trigger some systemic action, eh? Y'know to bring the body back into it's normal homeostatic function? Right on, Denise! K, so there's this protein called Angiotensinogen that the liver produces. Remember Renin? Well, Renin converts this protein into Angiotensin I. It gets more weird.. Angiotensin I is then converted to Angiotensin II by A.C.E. What the fuck is A.C.E? It's an enzyme, hot head. *rolls eyes* An enzyme produced by your lung cells (Pseudocytes!). Okaaay, so what happens with Angiotensin II? It goes to your Adrenal cortex, right into your suprarenal gland aaaaand, drumroll, please!.... it produces ALDOSTERONE! If you recall from A&PI, one of the functions of aldosterone is to increase reabsorption of Sodium and water. Remember: potassium has a negative charge, sodium has a positive. Equilibrium! Equilibrium!! Oh! Before I forget, J.G also senses low chloride. Low chloride ------> decreased GFR!


Fuck. I think I've gone insane. Talking to myself now? Jesus, and I think I see moving particles everywhere I look. This isn't right anymore. A&P and I need some time apart.

Oh btw, since Paul Levesque is a *cough* stud and is ..hrmmm.. well-hung, that.. that means he has a long penile urethra, as well. 'Cause the length of that section of the male urethra is the length of the penis itself! *sigh* What a fun way to remember. Mmkay so... Paul has a prostate urethra, a membranous urethra and a LOOOOOOOOOOONG penile urethra. Bazooka is love.

God, I can't wait till we get to the reproductive system. I will have a blast talking to myself about how the penile erection happens.. ermm, in the scientific way, of course. I'll have to use Paul as my example. I swear, lusting over that man can drive you absolutely nuts. *blushes*

K. I think I'll shut up now.
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