Aug 05, 2010 19:36
A lot of things have changed at work in the past few months. Remember, I work at the little mom-and-pop coffee place/ tattoo parlor for minimum wage for an asshole that didn't give a flying fig about us, once his BAR he'd opened started bringing in money? You remember.
Well, he doesn't run it anymore. Apparently, the IRS doesn't like it when you own a business but do not pay your taxes on it. When the shit was about to hit the fan, he suddenly decided to "step away from" the shop, leaving his business partners holding the bag. He actually announced the split on Facebook; he didn't bother to actually tell his partners face-to-face. Nice. They had no clue about the goings-on at the cafe because my ex-boss is a sneaky, slippery underhanded weasel and never let on that anything was amiss, and so they were astounded when they found out to what extent he'd left them in the lurch.
And so, scrambling to put right the business licenses, taxes, and payroll stuff, they took over the entire shop about three months ago. That's why I haven't really been on here much; aside from moving into a new apartment, I've been busting my ass at work: doing a lot of extra cleaning and sorting of paperwork and helping new customers that my bosses have been persuading to come in and help us raise our sales. God, we'd needed that! We were so slow... I wasn't sure if we'd be able to stay open much longer. I'd come to work, and basically just stand around for six hours, or get online and read fanfiction or something, until a customer happened to wander in. Oh, sure, we'd get busy for an hour or two... but not nearly as busy as it used to be, say, when my boss DIDN'T own a bar, and actually came in every now and then to pay bills and take care of other stuff that needed attention.
It's nice to have owners that actually care about the business and its employees. And they're really cool people besides; I have gone out drinking with them in the past, and I consider them to be friends. They appreciate me; they brag about me and my co-workers and are so grateful that we've kept this ship afloat these past few years when it so easily could have gone under. I can't tell you how nice it is to get a goddamned pat on the back after five years of not getting so much as a nod in my direction. They are still trying to sort through this mess that my ex-boss left everybody in, and once they figure out where we stand financially we will get raises. About time!
I guess, in a way, my ex-boss did teach me about running a cafe. Seeing all the shit that he did, and neglected to do, taught me how NOT to run a business. So, I don't think the past five years have been all in vain.