(no subject)

Jul 14, 2008 18:12

You’re Hired

A loud screech from a car made me jump into a sitting position, the sheets that were wrapped around me falling to my lap.  Due to the quick motion, a stabbing pain came to my pelvic area and my ass, which made me start to remember what had happened last night before a loud crash erupted from an open window in the room.  Looking over at the digital clock that was on the nightstand, I saw that it read 7:23 a.m.

“Goddamn shitty drivers.”  I mumbled and ran my hands through my un-ruley locks.  Rubbing my head with my tired fingers, I once again tried to recall what had happened last night.  When nothing came to mind, I pushed myself out of bed and started to get dressed but not before noticing how my clothes were thrown everywhere.

“Hopefully she or he was good looking.”  I mumbled, knowing that the face that kept coming into my mind was most likely not the person that I had slept with.  The face was one of an angel, and he kept popping up in my dreams as well, or whatever I could remember of them.  At the moment, that wasn’t too much.

Giving myself a glance at the mirror to make sure I didn’t look like I had crawled up from Hell, I sighed and started walking over to the door.  Sluggishly walking down the hall, I shoved a hand in my pocket and grabbed my cell-phone, hoping that whatever I did last night, Ryan would know.  If there was one thing I knew, it was that Ryan was defiantly there.  Walking down the stares, I made my way to the doors, but got cut off by someone tugging at my shirt, causing me to jump.

“Um, the check in lady wants you.”  A small boy said as he let go of the bottom of my shirt.  I sighed in annoyance, causing the little boy to jump back and run back to his father who was glaring at me when I met his eyes.  I wasn’t in the apologizing mood, so I skipped that and walked over to the front desk where the boy had pointed for me to go as he clung to his father’s leg.

“Yes?”  I snapped, closing my phone and putting it in my pocket.  Ryan could wait.  The women glared at me before handing me an envelope.

“Your lover left it for me.  He said to give it to the man in this picture.  This is you, right?”  She asked as she put a picture down besides the envelope.  I could barley believe my eyes as I looked at the picture.  There was me and-the sad part is that this is quite literal-the man of my dreams.  Flashes of the dream I had kept coming back, but now that I think about it, I’m starting to wonder how much of the ‘dream’ was a dream.

Something in the picture caught my eye though.  I was sitting on what seemed to be a seat of a limo with my lips pressed to the man’s neck and the man smiling at the camera.  There was something else though and I-

“Damn!  Are those rings?”  I yelled, causing the lobby to get quiet quickly.  Looking down at my ring finger, I noticed that it was sporting a quite expensive looking ring.  Looking back at the picture, I noticed that he was warring one as well, and that caused me to slap my hand to my head.

“There’s always divorce.”  The woman laughed, causing me to glare at her and raise my lip a bit to show my teeth.  I know, very mature.  She stopped laughing, but the smile never went away.  Looking back at the envelope, I ripped it open to find a piece of folded paper.  Un-folding it, I began to read:

Dear Bam,

Due to the fact that I don’t know where this letter is going to wind up, I’m not going to say anything of importance.  What I am going to say is that I know you have questions, and I have answers.  If you want your answers, come meet me at the cafe that is down the street.  Take a right out of the hotel.

~Ville Valo.

P.S.  Hopefully you didn’t plan on me paying for our room.  Even if you were, tough for you because you’re at the front desk with a wallet full of money.

“He left around an hour ago.”  The women said, causing me to jump and turn around, seeing that she had read over my shoulder.  Glaring at her, I pulled out my wallet, cursing the ‘angel’ in my head.  The more and more I thought about him, the more and more he started turning into the devil.  He did look like an angel still though.

Slapping the money down in front of her, I stormed off towards the door after shoving the letter and picture in my coat pocket.  I could tell that the woman was still laughing at me from behind me.  Just as I was about to do something about her stares, my cell-phone started ringing.  I grabbed my phone with one hand and pushed the door open with the other and took a left, starting my way to meet my angel.

“What do you want?”  I snapped, not caring whom it was.

“I thought you said we could still be friends.”  A delicate voice laughed, causing my heart to stop.  Instantly, I started beating myself up in my head as I tried to calm down.

“Sorry Missy didn’t know it was you.”  I sighed, not really wanting to talk to her at the moment, but at the same time, I did.

“So, I guess I’m safe to say that your day isn’t going to good.”

“Why would you say that?”

“It’s not one in the afternoon and your awake.  What happened?”  She asked.  In a way, Missy reminds me of my Ape.  She’s always there when I need her.  Smiling, my eyes started scanning the shops, looking for a cafe.

“Well, I went to Ryan’s party yesterday, met up with some Finnish guy and apparently hit it off with him.  We went off with Ryan and a couple of his friends to New York and I woke up in some random hotel bed with a pain in my pelvic area and ass.

Sorry, you didn’t need to hear about that part.  Now, I find out that I am apparently married to this Finnish man and am currently trying to find him at some Goddamn cafe.  I don’t even remember his name!”  I cried in frustration.

“Don’t worry, it could be worse.  Wait, is he good looking?”  She asked, causing me to sigh.

“Yeah.  Nothing personal, but he is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.  You should have been there when he smiled.  It lit up all of New York in my opinion.”  I smiled, remembering the limo drive before we had all gotten totally smashed.

“See, it doesn’t seem that bad.  I was hoping that you would actually meet someone and maybe get a little more committed, but whatever you want Bam.  Please, just let this one last.  You know how I feel about failed marriages.”  Missy lectured, causing me to laugh.  My laughing stopped when I saw the angel sitting outside of a cafe, a cup in his hands.

“Ville.”  I whispered in awe.  He was more beautiful then I remembered, his glasses were off as well.  All I wanted was to get closer to see his eyes, for I do remember seeing them last night and they were more beautiful then the stars in the sky.

“Is that his name?”  She asked, a smile in her town.  I could tell that she was happy that I had actually found someone.  Just like I was when she had found James.

“Yeah, I just remembered.”  I whispered, still in awe as I stopped and watched Ville take a sip out of his cup, a book in his hands.  He obviously didn’t notice me as he flipped a page and put down the cup.

“You’re looking at him, aren’t you?”  She whispered.  I nodded, but remembered that she couldn’t see me.


“Then hang up the phone and go sit by him.  Work things out.”  She practically shouted in the phone.  Suddenly, my stomach started doing flips and I froze.

“I...I...I can’t.”  I stammered, feeling just like I did the night before when I had first met him.  I’ll have to thank Ryan for that later, that is if everything works out.

“Oh dear Lord, just go and talk!  You have probably gone beyond introductions last night, from the information I have heard about your aching bottom earlier.  Now, go over there and talk to him!”  She scolded before I heard a beep on the other line.  Looking down at my phone, I saw that she had hung up.  Sighing, I shoved my phone back in my pocket and walked over but stopped when I saw Ville put down his book and his hand go to a phone that was on the table.

He looked up after he flipped it open and saw me.  Using his free hand, he signaled me over to the seat in front of him as he said a ‘hello’ into the phone.  Walking over, I took the seat that he had pointed to and looked at the menu that he handed me as he continued to talk.  I pretended to read the menu as I listened into his conversation.

“I know, I know, I swear all I did was meat up with some friends and had a good drink...No, I swear I’ll be there in time though...Of course I will be!  What kind of a father do you think I am?!...I would never forget about you sweetheart...Of course, love, I’ll be there in ah hour or two...Love you to sweetie.”

I felt a pang of jealousy course thorough me as he closed his phone and put it back on the table.  I should have known that someone like him was taken!  The women in the soap opera I had watched once was right, all the good men in the world are either married or gay.  In this case, he was probably both.

“Sorry ‘bout that.  Aila hates being alone for too long.”  Ville said as he picked up his cup again, taking another sip before putting it down and resting his chin on his palm, his green eyes staring back at me.

“Who’s Aila?”  I asked, starting to feel even more jealous.  Ville must have sensed that for his eyes grew larger and he lifted his head from his palm, waving both of his hands in the air in an ‘I’m innocent’ gesture.

“She’s none of your business, but she isn’t a lover.  Let’s just say she’s family.  Now, I know you’re not here to learn about my personal life.  As you can see, we are married.”  He held out his left hand for me to see the ring that was on his finger, and once again, it looked like it took a shit load of money to buy it.

“Yeah, well how the hell did that happen?  I don’t need a smart-ass reply either.  I know how getting married works.”

“Well, I guess the only thing to say is that we were both drunk out of our minds.  Now, I was wondering what was going to happen.  Are we splitting ways, or are we sticking together?”  Shocked, I sat back and tried to think about what he just asked.  Did he want to stay with me or was he being nice?  Then again, he could be in it just for some quick money and a few midnight tumbles.

“I think that we should just forgive and forget.”  I said, not wanting to go through any un-necessary problems.  The emotions that flickered through his eyes told me quickly that I had said the wrong thing.  Reaching over the table, I tried to grab for his hand, but he just pulled it back.

“So, that’s all I am to you?  A fun night and you are ganna walk off?”  He snapped.  For some odd reason, I felt sorry for him.  Yeah, I was attracted to him, but that was all.  I didn’t actually have emotional feelings for someone I just met last night.  Then again, maybe I should listen to Missy, for once.  Before I even had the chance to speak my mind, Ville was off and storming down the street.

I was about to take off but stopped when I saw a waiter glaring at me.  Sighing, I put down a twenty and grabbed his book before heading after him.  It didn’t take much time for he was only walking, but once I reached him, he didn’t respond.

“Ville?”  Just saying his name made him jump and look up at me with hope in his eyes.  It quickly went away though and he glared back at the ground and kept walking.  It soon dawned on me that he was probably not use to people actually remembering his name.  I was in that position a while ago.

Thinking that I wouldn’t get lucky again by just calling his name again, I grabbed his wrist, but he just pulled it back.  I sighed and started walking back towards the cafe when I heard my name being called.  Thinking it was Ville; I turned around but saw that he wasn’t there, just a mob of people.

“Hey, look behind you dumb ass!”  That got me to turn and come face to face with Novak.  Not the number one person I wanted to see, in fact, I didn’t want to see anyone at the moment.

“What do you want?”  I asked, not one bit happy.

“I heard that you got married!  Congrats!”  He smiled, clapping me on the back.

“Well, I-“

“No need to be modest!  Nothing personal, but it was kind of awkward being around you without a spouse.  I mean, with all the things we do with our lovers and all.  Glad to see that you have one just don’t mess it up again.”  Novak smiled and walked into the shop, probably off to go find himself a one-day fling.

“Shit.”  I sighed as I started walking towards the hotel again.  I couldn’t just tell Novak that I didn’t have a lover, for that would make me feel and look stupid.  The only thing close enough to a lover at the moment would be Ville, and he was probably running off to God knows where.  I had to find him though, for I didn’t want to look like some low life that couldn’t find himself a good lover.

Turning back around, I started sprinting to where I had last seen Ville.  Running around, into, and between people, I looked around frantically for Ville.  Finally, I heard someone crying softly in the alley I was walking by.  Turning towards the alley, I saw Ville sitting on the ground, back pressed against a building.

“What happened?”  I asked as I ran over, kneeling down besides him.  He looked up and held up an empty wallet, tears leaking from his eyes.  ‘

“S..s..som..some one took m..my money!”  He cried, throwing the empty wallet to the ground and covering his face with his arms.  I felt something tug at my heart as I watched his lithe body shake in front of me, and before I knew it, my arms were wrapped around him and he was sitting in my lap, clutching at my shirt and sobbing into it.

“I’m sorry Ville, I didn’t mean to make you upset about what I said.”  I cooed.  He looked up at me and smiled softly.

“It’s alright Bam Bam.”  He smiled and put his head on my chest.  I felt my heart start to beat faster at the contact and smiled.

“So, are you willing to try out this whole marriage thing?”  I asked, not ever being that good with words.  His head snapped up and he glared at me.

“Hell no!  You said no, and now that I think about it, I don’t want it either.”  He snapped, pushing himself off of me.  I had to have him though.  I didn’t want my friends to think that I fuck up everything, even though I kind of do.  I need something solid in my life, and I want that thing to be Ville.

At the moment, the reasons aren’t clear, but Ville did say he had answers to my questions.  When I can actually form a question out of my random thoughts that would make sense, I will ask him.

“Please Ville, I’ll do anything.”  I plead, causing him to turn around.  He glared at me but shocked me as he started walking back, sitting down next to me again, and pulling out a smoke and lighter from his leather pants.  I had to admit, it amazes me how he could fit that in those tight pants.

“I can see that this isn’t because you have feelings for me.”  He said as he inhaled some smoke before blowing it out in front of him.

“Well, I-“

“My line of work never has gone this far before, but I am willing to change that for you.  Count yourself lucky, Bam.  I’ll be your ‘husband’ or ‘lover’ if you give me $100.00 a weak.”  My mouth dropped and I stared at him as if he had grown a second head.  Ville turned back to me and cocked a brow as if it was the most normal thing to ask.

“Why the bloody hell would I give you money to be my husband?”

“You said anything, and I don’t need your love and comfort.  Those things don’t put food on the table and a roof over your head.  I need money and I honestly hate my job.  You would to if you were doing it.  Also, I got robbed if you don’t recall.

Now, I won’t be living with you because I have some personal issues I need to work around, but I will be with you when you need me.  Every hour will be another $20.00 added on your check so don’t call me just because you’ re feeling a tad lonely, unless you don’t mind giving me all your money.”

I was still in shock, but the shock quickly turned to anger and also joy.  Anger due to the fact that I had to pay to have a husband, but joy to the fact that I had convinced him to stay with me.  I didn’t have to be as lonely was I was before, and quite frankly, I didn’t have to worry about giving away a couple extra twenties.

“Whatever, you need a ride home?”  I asked, standing up.  He smiled and stood up as well.  Before I could leave, he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek, causing me to tense up for a moment of shock.

“Thank you Bammie.”  He smiled before taking my hand and leading me to the hotel to get a cab.  So far, all I knew about Ville was that he looked like an angel but was really quite a devil, knew his name, and also the fact that his mood wasn’t stable whatsoever.

I could deal with that, as long as I had someone by my side for at least an hour.  Something else I knew was that this was not going to be a normal marriage.  Well, then again, you can’t have a normal marriage when you are paying your lover to be with you.     

bam margera, vam, ville valo

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