(no subject)

Dec 18, 2008 14:31

I decided to get a dragon. I don't know if it's more cute or silly. Probably both X3

(by breed):

Hatchery and Daycare sites:

Name meanings:
Almost all names come from Tolkien's Sindarin.
Black dragons:
Morn: S., N. [mˈɔrn] pl. myrn S. [mˈyrn] adj. black, dark;
Mareczek: pet name of my clone;
Faer: S. [fˈɑɛr] n. spirit;
Adar: S., N. [ˈɑdɑr] pl. edair S. [ˈɛdɑjr] (eder N., edeir N.) n. m. father;
Ionn: S. [jˈɔnn] n. m. 1. son;

Dark green dragons:
Môr: S., N. [mˈɔːr] n. darkness, dark, night; Laeg: II S. [lˈɑɛg] adj. "viridis", fresh and green;
Gwîn: II S., N. [gwˈiːn] n. wine, vine;
Toss: N. [tˈɔss] n. Bot. bush, low-growing tree;
Gala: N. [gˈɑlɑ] inf. galo N. [gˈɑlɔ] v. to grow;

Frilled dragons:
Braig: N. [brˈɑjg] (breig N.) adj. wild, fierce;
Maeth: N. [mˈɑɛθ] n. battle, figh;
Sigil: II N. [sˈigil̡] n. necklace;

Geode dragons:
Ivrin: S. [ˈivrin] adj. (?) of crystal, crystalline;
Naergon: S. [nˈɑɛrgɔn] n. woeful lament;

Gold dragons:
Malthen: N. Arch. adj. of gold, golden;
Fael: II S. [fˈɑɛl] n. gleaming brilliance (of the sun);
Glawar: N. [glˈɑwɑr] n. Theo. sunlight, radiance;
Elanor: S. [ˈɛlɑnɔr] n. Bot. a flower, a kind of enlarged pimpernel bearing golden and silver flowers;
Anor: S., N. [ˈɑnɔr] n. Astron. sun + -a to make femine form;

Gray dragons:
Lithui: S. [lˈiθuj] adj. ashen, ashy, of ash, ash-coloured, dusty;
Mith: I N. [mˈiθ] n. white fog, wet mist;
Fain: S. [fˈɑjn] (fein N.) n. cloud;

Green dragons:
Calen: S., N. [kˈɑlɛn] pl. celin S. [kˈɛlin] adj. green;
Ennorath: S. [ˈɛnnɔrɑθ] n. coll. of ennor, central lands, middle-earth;
Ambar: N. [ˈɑmbɑr] n. earth;
Sarnas: sub>N. [sˈɑrnɑs] n. abst. of sarn, cairn, pile of stones;

Guardian dragons:
Tirith: S., N. [tˈiriθ] n. watch, guard (abstract noun), vigilance;
Beria: N. [bˈɛri.ɑ] inf. berio N. [bˈɛri.ɔ] v. to protect;
Amath: N. [ˈɑmɑθ] (ambath N.) n. Mil. shield;

Magi dragons:
Gûl: S., N. [gˈuːl] n. 1. magic lore, long study 2. by ext. evil knowledge, sorcery, necromancy;
Naur: S., N. [nˈɑur] n. 1. flame ○ 2. fire;
Gwenn: N. [gwˈɛn] n. f. maiden;
Cyll: S. [kˈyll] n. bearer;
Tirio: N. [tˈiri.ɔ] to watch, to gaze, look at;

Mint dragons:
Laeg: II S. [lˈɑɛg] adj. "viridis", fresh and green;
Lass: S. [lˈɑss] (lhass N.) n. Bot. leaf ;
Seleb: n. Bot. herb;
Cîw: S. [kˈiːw] adj. fresh, new;

Paper dragons:
Carta: noun, feminine paper;
Mîw: N. [mˈiːw] adj. small, tiny, frail;
Tithen: N. [tˈiθɛn] pl. tithin N. [tˈiθin] adj.little, tiny;
Pîn: S. [pˈiːn] adj. little;

Pink dragons:
Eirien: S. [ˈɛjri.ɛn] n. Bot. daisy (flower);
Meril: S. [mˈɛril̡] n. Bot. rose (flower);

Purple dragons:
Carluin (purple): Caran S., N. [kˈɑrɑn] adj. red + luin S. [lˈujn] adj. invar. blue;
Elloth: S. [ˈɛl̡lɔθ] n. sing. of loth, Bot. (single) flower;

Red dragons:
Ruin: S. [rˈujn] adj. (fiery) red ;
Seregon: S. [sˈɛrɛgɔn] n. Bot. "Blood of Stone", a plant of the kind called in English "stonecrop";
Agar: S. [ˈɑgɑr] n. blood;
Faroth: S. [fˈɑrɔθ] n. hunter;
Cordof: S. [kˈɔrdɔv] n. Bot. pippin (seed of certain fruits, or more probably small red apple);

Silver dragons:
Celeb: S., N. [kˈɛlɛb] n. silver;
Aníra: S. [ɑnˈiːrɑ] v. to desire;
Aglar: S., N. [ˈɑglɑr] n. glory, brilliance, splendour;
Edwen: S. [ˈɛdwɛn] adj. num. ord. second;
Elin: S. [ˈɛlin] n. Arch., Poet. Astron. star;
Ithildin: S. [iθˈil̡din] n. a silver-colored substance, which mirrors only starlight and moonlight;
Ernil: II S. [ˈɛrnil̡] pl. ernil S. n. prince;

Skywing dragons:
Menel: S. [mˈɛnɛl̡] n. sky, high heaven, firmament, the region of the stars; †Rafn: *S. [rˈɑvn] (rhafn N.) n. wing (horn), extended point at side, etc;
Eilph: S. [ˈɛjlf] n. Orn. swan;
Gwing: S., N. [gwˈiŋ] n. 1. spindrift, flying spray ○ 2. foam (properly a flying spume or spindrift blown off wavetops);
Mîdh: N. [mˈiːð] n. dew;
Celeg: S., N. [kˈɛlɛg] adj. swift, agile, hasty;

Stone dragons:
Gondren: S. [gˈɔndrɛn] adj. (made) of stone;
Cebir: S., N. [kˈɛbir] n.stake, spike, stone ridge;
Carag: N. [kˈɑrɑg] n. spike, tooth of rock;
Aegas: *S. [ˈɑɛgɑs] n. abst. of aeg, Geog. mountain peak;
Menniath: N. [m'ɛnni.ɑθ] n. range of mountains;

Two headed dragons:
Tâd: S., N. [tˈɑːd] (tad S., N.) adj. num. card. two; Dôl: N. [dˈɔːl] (dol S.) n. 1. head;

Water dragons:
Nen: S., N. [nˈɛn] pl. nîn S., N. [nˈiːn] n. 1. water (used of a lake, pool or lesser river);
Lhûg: S., N. [ɬˈuːg] n. Zool. snake, serpent;
Lanthir: S. [lˈɑnθir] n. waterfall;
Calph: *S. [kˈɑlf] (calf N.) n. water-vessel;

White dragons:
Faen: *S. [fˈɑɛn] (foen N.) adj. radiant, white;
Roval:S. [rˈɔvɑl] (rhofal N.) pl. †rovail *S. [rˈɔvɑjl] (rhofel N.) n. Biol.pinion, great wing (of eagle);
Golwen: N. [gˈɔlwɛn] adj. wise, learned in deep arts;
Rhien: noun, by ext., crowned lady, queen;
Rhib: S. [ɹ̥ib-] v. to scratch;

Winter dragons:
Rhîw: S. [ɹ̥ˈiːw] n. Cal. winter season;
Niphredil: S. [nˈifrɛdil̡] (nifredil N.) n. Bot. a pale winter flower, snowdrop;
Uilos: S. [ˈujlɔs] n. and adj. 1. always white, ever white as snow;

Cerah: after Cera, name of a Triceratops fom The Land Before Time X'D;
Littlefoot: after Littlefoot, name of a Apatosaurus fom The Land Before Time X'D;
Spiky: after Spike, name of a Stegosaurus fom The Land Before Time X'D;
Ducky: after Ducky, name of a Parasaurolophus fom The Land Before Time X'D;

Pyoko: name of a cucco fom The Legend of Zelda - Oracle of Seasons manga;
Choco: not after chocolate, but Chocobos from Final Fantasy game series;
Torchic: after a Pokemon of same name from Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald game;

Event dragons:
- Christmas
Ereg: S., N. [ˈɛrɛg] pl. erig N. [ˈɛrig] n. Bot. holly-tree, thorn;
Aeglos: S. [ˈɑɛglɔs] n. 1. Bot. snowthorn, a plant like furze (gorse), but larger and with white flowers ○ 2. Geol. icicle;
Loss: S. [lˈɔss] n. snow (especially fallen or long-lying snow);
Meleth: N. [mˈɛlɛθ] n. love;
Melui: S. [mˈɛluj] adj. lovely, sweet;
Mîl: N. [mˈiːl] n. love, affection;

(definitions from Hiswelókë Sindarin Dictionary )


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