Sep 18, 2005 22:43
Death is never easy to overcome. We have to take it in pieces.
Over the weekend a girl I know was killed. The funeral was today.
I've been crying constantly since I found out.
At the funeral, as the Rabbi shouted
"Cry out for protest!" the flowers slid off the coffin and crashed to the floor.
Quite eerie.
The rabbi also said that because she was taken before the age of 20, it makes her of the most righteous people.
Also, because she was killed on Friday, Shabbat, God's day of rest, it shows just what kind of a person she was. How special she was and that God interupted his day of rest to bring her to Him.
We all knew she was very special, of course.
She had a hard life but she always had a smile on her face.
I admire her strength and the compassion she had for others. She did many things, she travelled the world to help others in need.
Even seeing the coffin, seeing it carred to the crypt, it still hasn't set in that she's gone. It's so unbelievable to me that her body was in that casket. That box that her mother wouldn't let go of. Was she really in there? I still can't believe she's gone.
Rest easy, Lauren Herzog