4x11 "Who builds a Cabin in the middle of the Jungle anyway?"

May 09, 2008 16:31

ds544544f433343243dsfkjj. The ep had much awesome. I'll post my slightly-frazzled comments here now - and hopefully it's a coherent recap. Still need to watch it one or two more times today though ;)

-Heehee 50's girl dancing and rebelling. Nice random opening.

-Captain Hotass. My heart bleeds for you :((((((. I actually yelled at the screen for you to hit the shit out of Man-Bonnie when the two of them went into his 'office' to open the box. Then I wanted him to shoot Man-Bonnie when Frank was being threatened. Oh way did my Aussie have to die so soon?

Sidenote: It's kinda funny how in real life he hosts a show called 'Border Security' and spends time out in the ocean and whatnot, and now he dies on LOST on a Freighter because of bad guys. I'm upset.

-Eye-shot. w00t.

-La Penis Lapidus you are awesome.

-Hurley/Ben/Locke scenes were great. Their first one, and the chocolate bar scene were the best.

-Locke flashbacks - very intriguing. So frakking crazy that Maybelline New York appeared in his life at least twice (and at his Birth, holy shit). We're we really supposed to think Richard was Locke's Dad? Jacob is Locke's Dad? We didn't see a young Sawyer Cooper. I haven't decided. Maybe the look Grandma Locke had when she saw Richard was because she is the one who knows him, not Emily *shrugs*

-Emily said, when much, much older, that John was immaculately conceived; she ended up in Santa Rosa. She's kinda cuckoo but do ya reckon Mittelos fried had something to do with her Brain fry or did she do too many drugs in the 60s? lol.

-"Which of these belongs to you?" OMG. That made my hair stand on end. Richard was on the edge of his seat and so was I (partly because of the OMGing and partly because Richard was pretty lol). Johnny boy chose the bottle of sand, the compass, and the knife. Didn't Locke have a compass that Sayid said "didn't work" in an earlier season? Was it the same one?

-Locke is special. Ben is not. Ben is jealous. Benry sitting on the edge of the grade seemed such like a kid lol. I'm so glad Locke is rejuvenated again. I miss old skool Lockeness.

-Little Locke dreamed/drew Smokie eating people. Healthy kid.

-I wonder if Richard is secretly hurt that Locke doesn't remember his fantastic eyeline and style all those years ago. The man stood out, because he was worth it hee.

-In The Man from Tallahassee  (double letter overdrive) we heard the Murse say that famous phrase. We assumed that's where Locke's mantra began. But no, teen-Locke was saying it all way back when. Cool.

-Speaking of Murses... okay, Orderlies, I so knew it was Abaddon pushing the Wheelchair before it panned up to his face. Awesome. And Abaddon turning out to be the one who put the 'Walkabout' idea in John's head? Awesome...r.

-Dessy! Oh it was so good to see him again, and Team Awesome. Heehee, another sleeping shot. I heart the moments of him watching on while the "shenanigans" took place on the Freighter. But oh noes! Desmond thinks by staying on the Freighter he can make it back to the real world. Nooooo that's exactly what he shouldn't be doing :( (even though if we were in his place we'd probably use the same logic). Did anyone imagine Sayid & Des sharing a man-hug? I did :P. Go Cap'n Hotass for supplying the boat. R.I.P Hottie.

-Frank caught staring and then the "Oh, hey Boss!" lolz.

-Man-Bonnie & Omar are lovahs; in the Freighter closet.

-Who else was waiting and waiting for the moment where Doc Doom bit the dust. I was geniunely upset seeing him go like that, even if I didn't like him at all. He was just a pawn in Man-Bonnie's alternate Widmore plan.

-The plan B - torch (or fake a torching of) the Island. Yikes. That folder also had a Dharma logo on the front page btw.

-Easter eggs - John had a Geronimo Jackson poster in his locker. There was probably a gazillion more of them in this ep that we've yet to spot :P

-Michael = life. Not win at life, though.

-Thinking back to the times when we thought Locke met Richard... so not the case. Wicked :D

-Hurley: "Who builds a Cabin in the middle of the Jungle anway?" Lol. Apparantely Horace Goodspeed does xD. When Horace started repeating his lines I was like 'Dude, time loop?' but then his words changed.  I squeed when Horace said Locke needed to find Horace.  'Huzzah! Let's all go grave robbing!'

-Ben: "I used to have Dreams." The Arrested Development fangirl in me made me immediately think of the Marriage Counsellor Tobias and Lindsay hired. The MC was roleplaying as Tobias, puts on this silly voice and says "I have dreams, Lindsay. Dreams." I then "giggled like a bunch of school girls on the last day of Camp." ... and anyone reading this point who hasn't seen the awesomeness that is Arrested Development will have ZERO clue what I'm blabbing on about lol.

-The quote I used for this LJ cut, I laughed pretty hard at Emerson's delivery. I dunno why Ben saying the word "Bitch" was so hilarious to me.

-Abaddon said Locke will owe him one when they meet again. Sweet!

-Jack smiling and eating = cute. Jack disobeying Juliet's order = stupid, I wanna give him a time out lol. I love the tone she took with him, it  had bitchy undertones whilst being kinda school-teacherly. When she asked if he had heard what she said I was like 'Ohhhh let's go back to last week and Jack can say something about it yes? yes!' but no. Knew that wouldn't be addressed *sigh*

-The Chopper was approaching and I was saddened that I knew it would do a fly-by. I guess on the plus side it was good it wasn't a drive-by coz that would have been bad. I thought the Chopper had just blown one of the tents down lol idiot. Frank dropped the Sat Phone to give the Beachies the bad guys location. Great thinking. Jack's logic is to think that whoever dropped the Phone wanted them to follow. I actually think it was given to them so that they would stay out of harms way. What do you guys think?

-Shephard speaking on behalf of Jacob = win. Claire being in there too, and being majorly creepy/high = more win. I loved how weird it was. Really, really did. It makes me believe that she is, in fact, dead. She said "I'm with him" and that could have just meant that she's hanging with her Daddy now, but I took it on a second level as well and thought that she's a coporeal walking spirit. This is an excerpt from TVGASM's LOST recap for 4x10:

"On the beach, Jack returns to consciousness and despite the best efforts of Kate and Juliet, he insists he's simply dehydrated and wanders off to get some rest.

Out in the jungle, Claire is also insisting that she's fine, despite the blow to the head that she took when the house fell on her."

Those last six words had me laughing for days. Seriously.

-MOVE THE ISLAND? Haha that shit is B>A>N>A>N>A>S. And I love it. Great ep.

ETA - Did anyone else feel the hints of Smokie/the Island? Last week we had Christian announced by a beeping smoke detector. This week we had Grandma Locke about to smoke when Richard was around, and when we saw Abaddon wheeling John around there was a fire extinguisher and a fire bell in the shots. Maybe they're just red herrings or maybe it's further hints.

-Man-Bonnie - I don't know what was on his arm but I think that thing around his torso was a heart rate monitor (which can do other things to, like be used as a calendar lol). Why would he need that?

lost: recap

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