Title: Get Your Smack On
Author: Denyce
Fandom: Dark Angel
Pairing: Alec/Logan/Max
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Mistletoe, need I say more?
Disclaimer: Not Mine! I don’t own nor make any monetary value! Borrowing characters strictly for fanfiction to share with other obsessive fans intended for harmless enjoyment.
Spoilers: Post S2 Freak Nation.
Notes: Big Thank You’s! to:
evesharmony who kept poking me about Jensen, Alec, Dean grins it finally paid off (though she’s ALL about *Cam* atm she’s the one who initially got me into SPN-& Jensen that evolved into DA ;-) Second, to
varkelton who has encouraged & held my hand in this new fandom seriously *much LUV* Also a special thank you to the lovely talented
krazykipper who beta’d *twirls her* Lastly, ANY mistakes are mine & mine alone.
Again much LUV! To each of you ;-) That said any fb/concrit, encouragement would be loved & adored.
Get Your Smack On