people this is like a big thing that bothered me a couple days ago.
- complaining gets you no where
- complaining about school, weather, looks is stupid
- complaining about being in debt or bad health is alright
- thinking about how horrible things are like life makes things worse
- stupid things like the ex. i wrote can be changed or looked a differently by you!
- if you don't try and make things better than don't complain i don't wanna hear it
i just get annoyed wen ppl complain about stuff when there really isnt anything like astonishingly bad like sickness or debt or shit like that. i mean im sick but i dont complain about it that much only wen others ask. yet i still look at the bright side or look for the good in life
y cant ppl just be more pleasent or more optimistic
our world is becoming so negative because everyone judges it negatively everyone automatically sees the negative effects instead of looking at the entire picture
and its getting on my nerves
exactly that!
thats y everyone is becoming so depressed
history: i mean i use to look negatively at things and guess wut i was? depressed and felt mserable but at least i still tried to cheer others up and then i was tired of being negative because it doesnt do anything so guess wut i did? lol i remind myself to see things more positively, like not happy happy joy joy annoyingness but like i see the negative shit but focus more on the positive. i try to do the same for other people's situations and that's why people thank me for my encouragment or whatever when really the whole time it was right in front of them and they just didnt look for it.