Sep 11, 2004 21:52
This boy was bored and he asked me to tell him a story and i did. amazing now read it.
Once upon a time there was a princess and she was trapped at home at a family party.
She stayed in her room afraid of going downstairs where there were These creatures that hugged her and squished her and said how b-e-a-utiful she was getting everytime they see her.
((gets annoying since they're lieing is what she thinks)).
All she ever wanted was to be free and be able to go out when ever.
She keeps in mind that in a half of a year she will have her permit and in two she will have her license.
She keeps her mind focused and paints her stone cold walls.
She pets her kitty and hums along with the tunes of her music.
Now there was a brave man who was strong and worthy of the princess (was on the football team and lifted weights a lot) and wanted to save her from the treturous family, i mean creatures.
He is aka prince charming.
He drove up to the house in his moch 1 mustang with turbo engine with neons on underneathe and he charmed his way through the creatures and got to the princess.
He asked for her to go with him for a drive "to safety" and she accepted along with the king and the queen of the house-hold in agreement.
So they drove off into the darkness which just so happened to be into the light of his garage.
There they go to his own tower where they enjoy eachothers company (get it on) in other words if there were windows in the tower they would be fogged up....and live happily ever after ():)
other topic....
I asked Jon and he gave me a straight answer which pretty much proves my point I've had all along. with out females, males would be lost. Thanks Jon and you see I have quoted you. I am very thankful.
Kara: girls and guys dont understand eachother
Kara: y
Jon: because we're dumb and you're smart
Jon: so when we say something, it's like "ooga booga, me man, you woman, me hungry"
Jon: and women are all smart and they're like, "well, mr caveman, sir, if you seem to be hungry may i suggest you try eating something?"
Jon: and men are like, "no tell me what do, you shut up, you know nothing, you shut up"