Title Robots [4/?]
Pairing Frank/Gerard
Rating R
Summary In the not so distant future, robots created to look and operate as humans have replaced human labor. Some people like it, others hate it. Frank, a musician adamantly against the advancement of "Human Helpers" discovers they're not so bad when he ends up owning one.
Warnings Sex, swearing, probably drugs and drinking
A/N I'm getting back on the wagon and writing again. This will remain in my personal journal until complete, then will be transfered to MSC, hope you enjoy. I intend for this to be rather short, less than 10 chapers.
Eventually, Frank was able to gather that the robot had named itself Gerard, which was unusual. Frank knew nothing about how to take care of Human Helpers, but he did work in a store that sold them, he knew that they were supposed to come unnamed. That way, people who were unattached to them wouldn’t have to worry about creating an emotional link and those who wanted a companion could name them whatever they wanted.
After taking his third day off work, Frank had taught Gerard to wake up in the morning, dress himself, and tidy up - but only small things. If Frank gave Gerard a task too complicated his fingers would get twitchy and it looked like he was trying to solve a rubix cube. It was kind of cute, though Frank would never admit that to anyone.
On the forth day, Frank looked over at his cell phone and saw that he had several missed calls from work. The most recent voicemail was a warning, if he didn’t come in today, he could take a perminant vacation.
“Shit,” Frank said to himself as he pulled up his jeans as quickly as possible.
Gerard looked at him, wide-eyed, from his place in bed (because Frank had finally given up trying to teach Gerard to sleep on the couch).
“No,” Frank explained, while pulling on a shirt, “not you. I have to go to work today.”
When Gerard looked at him blankly, Frank sighed. “I have to go-”
“No!” The robot burst out and clung to Frank’s waist. He still felt unbelievably light, like maybe Frank was wearing a backpack or something.
“Gerard,” Frank sighed, “Gerard, let go.” He waited patiently for the robot to obey him, eventually he did. “I have to go, but I’ll be back,” he added hastily when he saw Gerard looking like he was going to pounce again. “I’ll be back, so you stay here and stay quiet. If you’re good, I’ll give you ice cubes.” Of course Frank wouldn’t, not really, robots weren’t supposed to eat anything, and they certainly shouldn’t be munching on frozen water.
But the promise seemed to work, because Gerard sat cross-legged on the bed and looked up at Frank like a puppy. In fact, Frank had to force himself to not call Gerard ‘good boy.’
“Well you certainly dropped off the face of the earth.”
Frank started, then looked over to see Haileigh smiling at him. “Oh, yeah, I was sick,” he breathed.
Her face crinkled up into the cutest look of worry. “You better now?” She asked.
“Yeah, I think it was just a bug. Can I bum a cig?”
Haileigh laughed. “What’ve you been doing on your break if you weren’t smoking?” She asked but handed him a cigarette anyways.
“I’m tired,” he replied then lit up and took a deep drag. “You’re the only girl I know who smokes camel filters, most chicks like virginia slims.”
“You mean vagina slims?”
Frank choked on his smoke from all of his laughter. “What the fuck?” He asked.
“Only fucking hookers smoke vagina slims,” she said while giggling quietly to herself. Frank wasn’t sure if she thought her comment was funny or if she was just pleased by Frank’s response. “So,” she started to fill the awkward silence that’d lulled over them, “I’ve been paitently waiting for you to invite me to hear your band.”
“Oh?” Frank took another drag of his cigarette. With the hassle he’d been through with Gerard, he’d completely forgotten that he’d invited her.
“I mean,” she started with a coy smile, “unless you just made it up to impress me or something. Like, I know how hard it is to get a chick these days but really. I dont care if you’re just some stock boy bum.”
At first, Frank was completely speechless, he didn’t know if she should be offended or not. And was she really hitting on him? If she was... he kind of liked it.
“That’s good to know,” he said smoothly, “but I wasn’t kidding. Give me a call and I’ll let you know when we’re getting together.”
The two smoothly exchanged phone numbers then Frank looked down at his watch. “Shit,” he said, “time to get back to work. Seriously though, you could listen to us jam and stick around for some pizza and beer after.”
“Oh,” said Haileigh, eyes full of wonder, “will we watch football too?”
Frank just laughed and stubbed out his cigarette. At first he didn’t bother to respond but changed his mind halfway back to the loading docks. “Only if you want to, doll-face,” he called over his shoulder.
Frank stopped by Ray’s place after work for a few beers with the guys. They ended up closer than halfway to drunk, sprawled out on the couch, watching sitcoms.
“Oh, so this chick I work with wants to come listen to us sometime.”
Matt gave a half assed wolf whistle. “She must be something special,” he said.
“Nah,” Frank shook his head, “she’s cool.”
“Hopefully her cunt isn’t, or your doing something wrong,” Ray said. Matt laughed and gave him a high five.
“No, dude, seriously,” Frank stated, “it’s not like that. She’s just into music, or whatever, and might be able to help us book some shows.”
“Well good,” Ray said, “then you broke motherfuckers can start paying to eat your own goddamned food.” Matt laughed again then abruptly brought his feet up to his chest when Ray swatted at them resting on his coffee table. “Now get the fuck out of here, I’ve got to clean up all this shit.”
“Ohh,” Matt and Frank changed in unison, “Ray’s got a lady friend!”
“Or - or,” Frank said between drunk laughs, “maybe he’s just borrowing someone’s Human Helper.”
Ray laughed and lightly punched Frank’s arm. “Shut the fuck up, man. Seriously, Mandy doesn’t put out when she thinks my place looks disgusting.”
When Frank got home, he’d forgotten all about Gerard. It wasn’t until he was sliding his key into the lock that he remembered.
“Shit,” he muttered to himself. What if Gerard had gotten hungry and ate all the ice cubes and shorted out?
Quickly, he ran inside to go check on his robot. The apartment was dark and completely silent. He ran into the kitchen, nothing looked out of place. Taking a few deep breaths he walked into his bedroom.
Gerard was still sitting on Frank’s bed, eyes staring blankly ahead, in the exact same position he was in when Frank had left it.
“Hey,” Frank said softly.
Instantly, Gerard jerked it’s head around then lunged at Frank to hug him around the neck. “You’re home!” It cried.
Home? Where did it learn that word? Frank certainly hadn’t taught it to refer to this shithole apartment as ‘home’. He just shrugged it off, mostly too buzzed to care.
“Yeah, I’m home,” he said, “let’s get some sleep, I’ve got work in the morning.”