a lot of weird stuff has been going on in my life lately. Unfortunatly I've started up le drugs again and they've gotten me into a bit of trouble. Not any with the athorities, thank God, but I've found myself in several positions where I had to compromise things I believe in or allow myself to do things I'm against for the sake of the lifestyle. Now that I'm back in town and out of touch with my pervious dealer, things are winding down a bit and I'm getting better. I just don't think I'm going to be writting for a bit. Correction, I will be writting a lot just not posting for a while, I kind of want to be sane again first.
Now that I've written a cryptic and worriesom message, I'm going to post something I saw in AP magazine that I thought was quite funny.
6 bands that need to get back together and why
Hi, it's Steven, your number one fan. No, I don't have all your 7-inches yet, but I'm working on it. It's been almost 11 years now you've been broken up, and I think it's high time for a reunion. I know, I know, reunion shows are passe and you guys have moved on, but some of your fans haven't. I'm one of them. There is a ton of new music coming out every day, but hardly any of it - in my opinion - has achieved the emotional depth and irony of one Jawbreaker song. The scne needs you back. I need you back. Just think about it - and then get back together.
Rocket From the Crypt
It's only been a year and a half, and my heart is still broken from your last show in New York City. Then, a few days later on Halloween, you played us your last song as a group. There are precious few bands who could play live like you, and I've trained everyone at Fuse that whenever Rocket From the Crypt is mentioned in casual conversation, they must follow it with "the greatest live band ever." You put the dance back in the pants of rock n' roll. A Rocket From the Crypt show was like church, and I believed in you! I still do. Please thing about preaching your gospel again.
Oh, for fuck's sake. Get it together. You know you guys wanna play more shows. You are one of those few bands whose live sho rivals Rocket From The Crypt's. I never had a bad time at a Fugazi show. You deconstructed what a rock show was, and everyone felt like a part of the band. It's really indescribable. So maybe you'll play a show again and people can describe it fro themselves? C'mon! I don't even want to hear "Waiting Room." I'll take anything off Steady Diet Of Nothing because that's what I'm having until Fugazi gets back together. Don't make me beg!
Hi, guys. I know you did those shows with Deftones a few years back, but it's high time for a serious Quicksand reunion. Walkter, Gorilla Biscuits did it. I know because I was there. C'mon! You were the wellspring that harder modern rock came from (all apologies to Page Hamilton) and the edgier music of today pales in comparison to any song on slip or Manic Compression. I haven't rocked out to anything really heavy like that since. Plus, I only saw you live once, and I'm greedy.
Now this is just getting silly. I only got to see you twice. Twice. This number is nothing in the world of Descendents' fans. I need to hear a live version of "Bikage" at least seven or eight times in my life; it's a moral imperative! You guys teased me in '96 and '97, then came out with another record and still no tour. If you're gonna record, then you oughta come out and preform. knowwhutmsayin? You created the template for pop-punk and you're my girlfriend's favorite band so, like, help a brother out.
Rage Against the Mahcine
Oh, wait... Nevermind.