It's been quite a while since Blair jumped the shark, but now he's into the realms of frothing maniac. Sanctimonious horseshite followed by a statement that shows he's failed to understand interfaith dealings, history, the modern world and atheism so completely it beggars belief. It's the secular institutions that are sorting out the problems and if you think there's going to be any help from theocracies and wannabe religious states you're further gone than I thought. And get it through your thick head: I hold no more scorn for god than I hold for Santa Claus, Thor, Zeus, Shiva and the Easter Bunny. You can't hate things that you don't believe exist.
EDITED TO ADD: I know he's not saying Atheist = Terrorist but the pairing of the two as somehow being opposing termini of a continuum is disingenuous at best and deliberately pernicious at worst. Yes, they're both a threat to faith but this linking of the two is deeply unhelpful, especially in the US where opinion polls have suggested people would rather have a gay or Muslim president than an atheist at the helm.