Apr 05, 2005 21:27
so yeah.. u all know u r jealous.. 2morrow i dont hafta go into school until 11:30. HAHA... since we work with our sophmores in shop and we ahve the same acidemic week as them, they take up all the rooms in the school for MCAS.. so they work all morning on the long comp. essey for english and all the BHR seniors get to sleep in... goos times!... so yeah, may 17th thro the 20th.. which is a tuesday thro a friday, its the same thing. dont hafta go into school until 11:30 basically all week.. we miss so many classes and we dont even hafta make them up... its f'in awesome!!!
At that note, we go straight to lunch.. sooo all seniors could go into school at 12 and no one would notice cuz we dont get attendence taken!!! but i dunno how thats gunna work. its weird i guess.
But so yeah i was suppsoe to drink tonight with shelly, derek and Al... lets see how this went... NOT GOOD! Al was all up for it today in school, then i talk to him an dhe wants to stay home and do homework!.. who wants to do homework for classes they dont even have 2morrow?? so then i go meet up with shelly and her boyfriend, he bought me booze, and she tels me she cant come over... im like WTF.. ok... this is because her boyfriend was all fucked up and couldnt drive himself and was in a wicked bad mood... so i say watever to that too. Then i talk to derek. He threw his back out. he was gunna come over and drink and i would give him a back massege.. but he took sumthing for his back that he cant drink with. so hes not here either. OOOK.. my night went down the drain! so i talked to paul online. he wasnt going out so i asked if he wanted to come over... his mom doesnt want him hanging out with braintree ppl.. but he doesnt care... but he still cant come over cuz his mom wont let him stay out. Its cool. i guess... MY NIGHT IS SHITTY NOW!!!!
I have no plans for breakfast 2morrow morning.. then again i have no money cuz i spent it on alcohol that i bought for derek.. NOW ITS MINE BIATCH! So honestly i dunno whats going down.. all do know is that i wanna drink this weekend and stay out at least one night... im gunna need it after this week!
But now its time to go do sumthing other then type my life away...lol
Yup.. no calls from owen. cuz hes in the field... he did call me this weekend tho.. he should call me either 2morrow if he comes back from the field or he should call me this weekend cuz i know he will be back from the field this weekend... I LOVE MY OWEN!!