Searching for a fic...

Jan 04, 2013 17:53

Hello hello! I've been lurking about this community for awhile, but I believe this is my first post (sorry, terrible memory, etc.)

Anywho, I was suddenly thinking about a fanfic I read awhile ago... probably at least a year ago, if not more. The story itself was probably older than that because I tend to gravitate toward older pieces for some reason.

ANYWAY (sorry, spaced out) I'm kinda obsessing about it. I thought I had it saved, or the author favorited, but I think it's been lost!
  • Grimmjow is a hot-shot exec of... hm, I think some company... ad agency maybe?
  • Ichigo is a new hire or transfer or something to that effect
  • Grimmjow is hot, but a total ass (as usual?)
  • Ichigo hates/loves/hates him, ergo that awkward work relationship thing (hooray)
  • Of course, hot and heavy scenes
  • And oh yeah, I think Grimmjow has a really cool office (from the description?)
  • And oh yeah, everyone wears business suits and ties and slacks... I'm a sucker for that O_o;
I've only read about a dozen Grimm/Ichi fics, which is why I'm pissed that I can't remember the title or the author (sorry author!) but from what I remember, it was well-written and flowed well.

GUH! I know I fail, but if any of you lovely people out there can help me, that would be great! Thank you!
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