Jun 03, 2008 13:51
dear reid's mom,
i'm at bruegger's on my day off to use the wifi (and pick up my paycheck!)
oh my god, it is balls hot out today! i rode my bike over here with reid's laptop in tow along with my polaroid camera and all the other necessary shit i like to have with me all the time. i started carrying a wrench and hex-key set again on account of my bike handlebars come loose real easily. anyways, needless to say i am sweatier than a pack-mule. riding bikes around this area isn't so difficult, but riding back home is always a pain in the ass seeing as how we live at the very tip top of a hill. oh well, we could be living at the top of a bigger hill. besides, i've pretty much gotten the hang of getting up that hill with ease... but it's never easy when you're lugging a laptop and about 10 pounds worth of books and art supplies.
so i hear blu and dennis are coming to visit soon. i dunno how that's gonna be. i mean, they're cool dudes but i don't really leave the house without a bike and one) we don't have enough bikes to share and two) i don't see blu and dennis getting very excited about riding bikes with us. they didn't ride bikes the last time they were here, but i wasn't as big on riding everywhere then, anyways. oh well, i'm sure we can work it out. they don't have to ride bikes every day they're here, but they should try it at least once. for example, riding bikes to pools is the best because the more the bike ride to the pool sucks and is hot and sweaty and all that, the better getting in the pool will be! i think anyone can appreciate that.
i cleaned the living room yesterday. everything that was on the floor or the table in front of the tv got put up and the ghetto milk crate shelves and i told everyone that's where you should put it back when you're done. hopefully this will last. sarah even totally rearranged her mattress into the corner. we have this big open space on the floor by the door now. it's pretty nice. it looks like a place where people live and not small children raised by wolves. next order of business... the bedroom. our apartment would be much cleaner if we didn't have so many tapes and cd cases laying everywhere.
so i was hopped up on adderall at work the other day when i decided that i want to go back to school - art school. i realize that i want to make money by means of my art, but i don't think i can do it by myself. i want to improve my skill and not just through constant practice. i want someone to teach me how to make prints and paint and all that jazz and i want to have a piece of paper after four years that someone will look at and consider giving me a job. so anyways, i've been looking up scholarships and grants and shit, but it looks like the only way i am going to get into art school without paying for it for the rest of my life is if i somehow suddenly become black, asian, hispanic, blind, deaf, left-handed, dyslexic, cancerous, speech-impaired, or if any of these things suddenly happen to my parents. OR if i put together a good enough portfolio that whoever sees it is so impressed that they just might puke i can get a full four-year scholarship to watkins (or at least that's what i deduced from the information posted on their website) apparently i don't even have to have a great highschool transcript (which i don't). most of the scholarships that run like contests are for students still in high school. there have got to be scholarships and grants for students who are looking to GO BACK to school, haven't there? i mean, it IS a good thing that i want to go back to school, right? so why can't i get any goddamn help? maybe i should read that "free money from the government" book...
ok, i'm off to the bank before it closes and then who knows what. i'll probably find someone who wants to go hop in a pool with me. maybe i'll call valerie...