
Mar 25, 2005 15:05

1. Smoked? yea
2. Been Drunk as hell? hahah hell yea!
3. Screwed someone of the opposite sex? yessirie
4. Screwed someone of the same sex? yea
5. Shoplifted? No..
6. Lied? Yea
7. Betrayed a friend? no
8. Been high? yea
9. Smoked weed? hell yea
10. Done LSD? yea
11. Done any other illegal drug?yea
12. Given oral sex? yea
13. Received oral sex? yea
14. Screwed something not of the human race?hell no
15. Screwed something not alive? hell hell no
16. Cheated on someone? yea
17. Used someone? yea
18. Paid someone for sex? no
19. Been paid for sex? No
20. Played strip poker? yea
21. Skipped school? yea
22. Skipped school to get high/drunk? yea
23. Danced naked? no
24. Danced naked in public? no
25. Flashed someone? hahah yea.
26. Mooned someone? no
27. Kissed someone? yea
28. Kissed someone of the same sex?yea
29. Held hands? yes
30. Hugged someone?yes..:)
31. French kissed?yea
32. Had sexual fantasies?well there was mandy LOL
33. Had gay/lesbian fantasies? NO.
34. Stolen money?yea yea
35. Stolen money from family?no
36. Stolen drugs from family? yea
37. Been convicted of a crime? yea
38. Dated someone because you heard they were 'easy'? ha ha yea
39. Had someone date you because they thought you
were 'easy'? yea
40. Been called a whore? ha ha yea
41. Been called a bitch? Yea
42. watched porn? yea
43. Taped porn? NO taping takes 2 much time
44. Watched porn you taped?NO!
45. Kissed someone in a moving vehicle? yea
46. Screwed someone in a moving vehicle? hell yea
47. Used sex 'toys'?uhh NO!
48. Tried to kill yourself? yea
49. Tried to kill someone else?no
50. Told someone you hated them?Yea
51. Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it?yea


1. Smoked? yea bad habbit
2. Been Drunk as hell?yesiree
3. Screwed someone of the opposite sex? yea
4. Screwed someone of the same sex? yea
5. Shoplifted? yea
6. Lied? yea to my friend robert
7. Betrayed a friend? no
8. Been high? yessiree
9. Smoked weed? yea
10. Done LSD? yea
11. Done any other illegal drug?yea
12. Given oral sex?not to a guy
13. Received oral sex? yes
14. Screwed something not of the human race? maybe ;) lol
15. Screwed something not alive? lol fuck yea man
16. Cheated on someone? no
17. Used someone? yea lol
18. Paid someone for sex? lol no
19. Been paid for sex? No
20. Played strip poker? yep
21. Skipped school? yea
22. Skipped school to get high/drunk? yea
23. Danced naked? yep
24. Danced naked in public? yep
25. Flashed someone? yep ^_^
26. Mooned someone? lol yeah ... you kno you like my white ass
27. Kissed someone? yea
28. Kissed someone of the same sex?yea
29. Held hands? yes
30. Hugged someone?yes
31. French kissed?yea
32. Had sexual fantasies?lol sorta kinda
33. Had gay/lesbian fantasies? no
34. Stolen money?no i ask first lol
35. Stolen money from family?no
36. Stolen drugs from family?no
37. Been convicted of a crime?......
38. Dated someone because you heard they were 'easy'? nah i like a challenge
39. Had someone date you because they thought you
were 'easy'?more than likely
40. Been called a whore?yea lol it dont bother me
41. Been called a bitch? acctually yea even tho i aint really a bitch
42. watched porn? yea
43. Taped porn? hell yeah man me n my dead cat ^_^
44. Watched porn you taped? :)
45. Kissed someone in a moving vehicle? yea
46. Screwed someone in a moving vehicle? its on my list of things to do
47. Used sex 'toys'?yea
48. Tried to kill yourself? yea
49. Tried to kill someone else?yea
50. Told someone you hated them?Yea
51. Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it?no

i hope you ejoy it ^_^ tiss true
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