Nov 09, 2012 22:19
My journal is in mostly Dutch (& sometimes English) & Friends only
(exept for the sales topic + feedback topic!)
- comment if you want to add me to you friends -
please tell me why you want me in your friends list
i wont add people to easly just because they want to have alots of friends
i would like to have talked to you just for once before i would add you
(and my english is a bit bad so please forgive me if i write some words wrong)
If i add you i would like you to follow these rules:
Respect me and my entry's, i write all my personal thoughts & feelings down here
If you dissagree on some things, please tell me that on a respectfull way though PM
I'm a very emotional person, if you can't handle that please don't add me
(This is just to affoid drama)
Everything you read here stays here, this is just because i don't want people to talk about me behind my back
This Journal is mostly about Gothic Lolita, Moi meme Moitie and most of my thoughts
I will be in Dutch most because i suck at english, but if you want anything translated lett me know and i will see what i can do XD
Thank you!