Sep 04, 2005 15:53
What an awkward moment hahaha
Amanda Latu (3:50:57 PM): omg. totally emberassing moment today during church, dude.
Jesusfreak0816 (3:51:19 PM): y wut happened?
Jesusfreak0816 (3:51:21 PM): lol
Amanda Latu (3:52:18 PM): ok, so i was talking to this lady, maria, about the people that i like(d) and first we were talking about jake, in a normal conversational voice, right? and then it switched to brandon. still talking normally. we were over on the couches and it was decently quiet in the room.
Amanda Latu (3:52:47 PM): well!!! i forgot that brandon was sitting next to the door outside on the floor and he heard EVERYTHING and when maria stood up to check if he was there he was looking over to see who was talking about him.
Amanda Latu (3:53:11 PM): he was really talkative with me the whole morning and then after he heard that he didn't even look at me until we left. it was so awkward lol
I'm laughing about it now, but whatever. Who cares ::shrugs::