Apr 15, 2004 00:09

man o man, what to say about Spring Break L.O. 04?!?! where to start. i guess i'll just rambeling well there has been some partying, like whoa, and the secone one was not so much fun at 4 in the morning when im making out with the trash bin, or should i say puking my fucking brains out in it. that tasted yummy, EWWWWYYYYYY. That same night having the cops called and all of us almost getting jailed, fricken BOOOOOEEEYYYYYY, that wasn't fun. then hanging out with they hillbillies of LO and fucking shit up is always a great time, but our getting pulled over tonight was LUNA, but we were redeamed by stealing a 6 year olds bike off the side of the road. wow im going to hell for that. what else should i say, i have no frickin clue, umm met this alicia girl, shes pretty tight.

man dustin and are fuckin BALLERS, we each got something to eat and drink for under 6 bones at T-Bell tonight. how fucking sweet is that, man we are pimps, and fucking sexy ones at that, wow just joking about the pimp part and the sexy part.

and i don't know what else to write about, cuz im a fucking mexican and i don't give a fuck!. so i'll drop some more info when i feel less lazy than usual

half naked man

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