Croatoan Apocalypse Now: Spun off from 5.04. Set in the world where Sam said yes to Lucifer. The Impala's been human since shortly before Detroit and has been a member of Camp Chitaqua since the beginning. While she still loves Dean, she hates the fact that he's turned into a cold, calculating, perfect soldier. Unknown to her fellow campers, she's recently started slipping out of the camp to take care of her own 'personal projects.'
-Played at SWS and
croatoan_end Angels & Asses: Pulled from post-5.18 and has been human for a few weeks. One night she walked out of a motel bathroom and found herself in New Jersey. Now, stuck in a town that keeps rubbing up against Hell itself, she's trying to figure out where she fits in between angels, demons, and over 9000 versions of her boys running around.
-Played at SWS and