The kitty situation at Coweta Animal Control, GA is beyond out of control. Last week over 125 came into the shelter. Today another 25 came in. The shelter says they will put down all of these at noon tomorrow, June 20th. Anyone wanting to adopt/Rescue must get there early.
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Thanks my Erika!!!! You know I loves ya!!! I guess you see now why I have no life other than trying to save these animals. I'll be glad when summer is over and the animals in need slow down a wee bit.
Glad some of them made you feel fuzzy all over!!!!! LOL
Yep, the kids might be the only hope for the animals in the future. I think the schools should start teaching children the proper way animals should be treated and loved!!!
K.C. had a teacher this year that tormented her because of her love for animals. Always showing her dead animals and saying he was going to require her to dissect them. :( What an arse!!!
Did you get in the teacher's face and tell her that KC could teach her a few things? Why was she so hateful? :( I've met people who like animals than people, but I haven't met someone who doesn't like least none I can recall in my tired state :|
The teacher was a man and I told K.C. I was going to complain and she asked me not to cuz she was afraid he would flunk her. :( He said he liked to see her get all upset. That he had never seen anyone get so upset and cry like she would. Creep!!!
It's not easy being writer and illustrator of a comic strip, I am so impressed that irrimiri dish out such well drawn well written strips =) Thanks darlin' I may just do more and have an approach my own. WHen I was published I had to be funny to the paying aucdience. I think if I do it, I'd just be funny to myself ;)
Did you see my Mom's portrait I did??? I'm warming up painting oils again baby ;) Ok I'm gonna shower now it's been a heavy humid day and I was outdoors all day meh
Night night *meow* I loves ya! xox
Wow, I'm still marveling at Mom's painting!! You haven't lost your touch that's for sure!!!
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