The half-brother Chapter 3 - Part 2

Dec 04, 2016 23:30

Chapter 3 - Part 2

Because of Charlie's reaction, the rest of the group all sat up to try to see who Charlie was taking to. Realizing what they were trying to do, Charlie made sure to not open the door wide enough for Dean to see that his brother standing there with Castiel and Gabriel.

"Umm, I don't understand... you said I could bring them," said a very confused Castiel.

It's no wonder Dean is this smitten if he has seen that look, thought Charlie.

"I said you could bring your brother, not..." said Charlie before quickly making sure Dean was still on the other side of the room. "...him!" she said in a low enough voice that Dean wouldn't hear her as she gestured towards Sam.

"I'm sorry, do I know you? You look kind of familiar, are we in the same class or something?" Sam asked before a smug smile broke out on his face as he looked her over. "If you like, we could really get to know one another."

Being hit on by Sam Winchester was just wrong in so many ways.

She must have been in some kind of a shock because she didn't hear the warning from her friends before it was too late. The next thing she knew, Dean was there and was opening the door wider so he could see what was happening.

The confused look that had been on Castiel's face melted when he saw Dean. "Hi, Dean!" he said with a smile on his face. Dean almost missed it, too, since he was too busy trying to figure out what his brother was doing there.

"Ahh,” Sam nodded and shrugged in Charlie’s direction. “You are one of the geek squad. No wonder I didn't remember you."

"Maybe we should just come back another time? We are obviously missing something," came Gabriel's voice from behind Castiel. Dean hadn't even noticed him before now.

"No! It's rude to invite someone and then not let them in. Especially when we have already cancelled our plan to be here," Sam said before pushing Castiel ahead of him inside.

“Hey! You can’t just barge in here!” calls Jo as she gets right up in Sam’s face. Knowing his friends as well as Dean did, he knew they were all itching to do the same but were holding back because of Castiel and Gabriel.

“Sam, maybe Gabriel was right. I think there has been some kind of misunderstanding and we are not welcome here. I think we are too late to catch the movie we had planned. Maybe there something else we can see? Come on, let's just go...” Castiel trailed off and it was obvious that both he and Gabriel were really uncomfortable and had no idea what was going on.

Now, Dean was feeling like the biggest asshole on the planet. Not only had Castiel changed his plans just to come here, but he was leaving because he felt unwelcome. Cas would probably hate him now for being an asshole to his friend-- even if it was Sam Winchester-- and never talk to him again. Which was probably exactly  what Sam wanted to happen. Sam would never want to be caught alive hanging out with the ‘geek squad’. Well, two could play that game.

“No, please stay. All of you! I mean, you already changed your plans to be here,” Dean forced a smile as he looked at Sam. He had to give his brother some credit for how fast he masked his shocked expression. But Dean still saw it. Now, if only his friends could wipe the shocked looks off of their faces, that would be great. “We just weren’t expecting so many people! But it’s fine, we can make room for all of you.”

The smile that had broken out on Cas’ face was worth having to deal with Sam for one movie. At least Dean hoped it was.

“Really? Great! What are we watching?” Cas asked as he walked over to Dean.

“The Lord of the Rings, we are going to watch the first movie tonight and the second one next time. Hope you don’t mind seeing it again,” answered Dean.

“Actually, I have never seen them,” Castiel said, like it was no big deal. How is it possible to not have seen the Lord of the Rings?

At least this news seems to have brought all of his friends back to the real world.

“You haven’t seen Lord of the Rings? That’s just wrong! Please tell me you have at least seen Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Indiana Jones!” Charlie burst out, like it would actually hurt her if Castiel hadn’t seen them, too.

“I’m sorry. I haven’t seen any of them... I have read the books if that helps!” Castiel gave a small smile, clearly embarrassed.

“Ha! And you said I was bad. At least I have seen the movies,” called Jo from where she was locking the door.

“At least he read the books!” Charlie shot back. “But that is fine. Dean just has to make Castiel watch all the movies with him. Right, Dean?”

“If he wants to,” Dean mumbled and he could feel his face get redder and redder. What was even worse, he saw the moment Sam noticed it too.

“Dean, can you help me in the kitchen for a moment?” asked Jo before walking into the kitchen without giving him time to answer.

“I will help too. The rest of you, just get comfortable, we will be right back!” Charlie dragged Dean into the kitchen. “I’m so, so sorry. Sam wasn’t supposed to come. I would never have invited Castiel if I had known he would bring Sam,” started Charlie as soon as she closed the door.

“You don’t have to do this, you know. I can have Mom kick him out if you want,” offered Jo as she got some soda cans out of the fridge for their new guests.

“No. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not thrilled to have him here, and you should have talked to me before you decided to invite people to our night, but it’s too late now and we will just have to try to make the best of this. I will just stay away from Sam as best as I can. Please, try not to make a scene, alright?” When he had gotten both girls to agree, he took a few cans from Jo and added, “Got anything stronger?”

“Sorry, Mom always told me that you don’t add alcohol to already heated circumstances.”

When they got back to the other room, the others had already sat down. Gabriel and Benny were sitting on the larger, furthest couch with Sam and Cas on the loveseat on the opposite side of Ash’s recliner. Since Dean wanted to be as far away from Sam as possible, that meant sitting in the spot beside Cas was out of the question… Sitting next to Benny it was then!

As Dean crossed over the room towards Benny, Castiel must have realized Dean wasn’t going to sit beside him because a sad look, one that Dean hoped to never see again, came over his face. Before Dean could change his mind, Charlie plopped down in the seat beside Cas and Jo plopped down in the seat on the free couch. Dean sighed and sat next to her.

To be honest, Dean didn’t really pay any attention to the movie. He was way too busy watching Cas. In his defense, Castiel kept looking at him when Sam wasn’t talking in his ear. Which wasn’t that often anymore since Charlie kept telling Sam to be quiet and watch the movie. If there had been any doubt about Castiel fitting in, it was gone. He was just as much a geek as the rest of them, even more so than Benny and Jo.

What surprised Dean the most was that Sam seemed to be one too. At least he could answer all the questions Castiel asked him, both about the film and the books.

When there was about an hour left of the movie, they decided to take a bathroom break since both the girls and Castiel needed one. Charlie and Cas went to the bathrooms in the back and Jo ended up going to the staff bathroom at the bar--being the boss' kid had its perks. That left the rest of the boys in front of the TV.

Ash had fallen asleep in the middle of the movie, like usual, Benny and Gabriel were talking about who knew what, and not wanting to be stuck with Sam, Dean quickly got and said, “I’m going to get more snacks!” before he headed to the kitchen area.

When he got there he tried to find something to bring back with him so it wouldn’t be as obvious that he was hiding out in here.

“You like him don’t you?” came Sam’s voice from behind him when he had his head in the cabinet next to the sink. Which of course, ended up with him hitting his head on the top of the cabinet.

“Sure, they seem like nice guys. I just met them and so far I have only found two things wrong with them. They are friends with you and are related to Lucifer.”

Ignoring the insult, Sam started again, “No, I mean you like Cas.” He paused, but didn’t wait for an answer. “I knew it, you are a faggot! Growing up without a real man around messed you up more than I thought. With a mom like yours, I’m not surprised,” Sam scoffed, glaring down at Dean and shaking his head, “I mean she can’t even get a guy to stay! You should--”

“SAM!” Castiel showed up out of nowhere behind Sam and he was far from happy. “I get that you are hurting right now, but you have no right to try tearing other families up just to make yourself feel better! I think we have overstayed our welcome, why don’t you and Gabriel go wait in the car.”

When it looked like Sam was about to object, Castiel quickly said, “Sam, just go. Gabriel can you go with him please?” Dean hadn’t even noticed everyone else. Gabriel and all of his friends, except Ash who could sleep through anything, were standing on the other side of the door with worried expressions on their faces.  He wasn’t all that surprised that they had shown up after Cas yelled at Sam...

After Sam had stormed out with Gabriel behind him, Castiel turned to Dean’s friends and asked if he could have a moment with Dean alone. Charlie and Benny hesitated a little bit but in the end, they followed the others back to the TV, leaving Castiel and Dean alone in the kitchen.

“Look, Cas, it’s fine…” started Dean as he rubbed the sore spot on his head from where he had hit his head.

“No! It’s not. I only heard the end of that he was saying and it was not alright,” Castiel argued and Dean could tell that he really meant what he was saying. But how much had Castiel heard? Had he heard about Dean liking him or just that Dean was gay? Maybe he hadn’t even heard that…

“How much did you hear?” asked Dean. A part of Dean was nervous about what Castiel would say, even though Cas had said that Sam was wrong.

“Just the part about your mom. He didn’t say anything worse did he?” asked Castiel, and Dean was sure that Cas had not bought it when he shocked his head no. Thankfully he let it drop.

“Look, it’s not my place to tell you this but... I think you deserve some explanation why he said that. Just promise me not to say anything to anyone, especially Sam?”

Normally Dean wouldn’t be sure he could keep that promise. There was just something about Castiel that had Dean agreeing to it, and meaning it.

“His parents are going through a rough spot and Sam is just worried they might get divorced. Apparently, his dad is supposedly still in love with his ex or something... To make matters worse, there is some kid at school who keeps rubbing it in… Why are you laughing? I know he was rude to you but that no reason to…”

“No, that’s not why I’m laughing, trust me,” said Dean as he tried to stop laughing since it was upsetting Cas.

“Than why are you laughing? I swear if you are going to be a jerk to him, I’ll never talk to you again.”

That made it easier to stop laughing, but the thought that John Winchester could still by in love with his mom was just so funny.

“John is not in love with his ex, trust me, I know!”

“Sorry to burst your bubble but his wife and son seem to think otherwise,” Castiel said defensively.

“Well, his other son does not think that and neither does his ex!” Dean was kind of shocked that his friends hadn’t come back after how loud he had gotten.

“Other son? What are you talking about? Sam would have told me if he had a brother.” Castiel looked confused. Dean couldn’t tell if he was hurt by the fact that Sam hadn’t told him or if Cas thought that Dean was lying to him.

“I guess that is because as far as John and Sam are concerned, I don’t exist,” Dean explained hotly before storming out of the room. “I think it’s best if you just go back to your best friend,” he added as he sat down next to the girls and buried his face in Charlie’s hair as she hugged him. He would do anything to not have to watch Castiel walk out the door.

“Dean…” started Castiel who had been right behind him out of the kitchen.

“Maybe it’s best if you just go. Just give him some time and from what we heard, you should probably talk to Sam,” said Benny as guided Castiel towards the exit.

After Castiel had left, Dean’s friends didn’t try to get him to talk about what had happened. They knew that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. They all knew that Dean was he kind of person that needed time to work through his feelings before he was ready to talk about them. All they did was make sure that when he was ready, he knew they would be there for him. That what probably the thing Dean love most about his friends, they all knew what each other needed when something came up.

They ended up sitting there for a few minutes in silence except for the occasional snore from Ash. They all ended up huddled around Dean, Dean himself in between the girls and Benny sitting down on the floor in front of Jo with his shoulder touching Dean’s knee. That was all he needed to be reminded that they were there for him.

At some point, someone had started the movie again. Dean had no idea who did it, but it was a welcomed distraction. When the credits started rolling, Dean was sure that nobody had really been paying attention to the movie anymore. He had been going over the day’s events in his head and his friends had been busy keeping an eye on him. Well, everyone except Ash who was just walking up.

Since their guests were nowhere to be seen and the others were all wrapped around Dean, it didn’t take Ash long to put two and two together and figure out that he had missed something. Before he could ask what happened, Jo tilted her head back and whispered that she would tell him later. Jo noticed then that Charlie was looking at her with a guilty look on her face and Jo knew what she was thinking.

Operation D.E.S.T.I.E.L. was really not going as planned.

dean winchester, john winchester, spn, castiel, mary winchester, the-half-brother, fic, sam winchester

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