Title: The half-brother Fandom: Supernatural Summery: AU: John left when Mary got pregnant with Dean. Few years later he came back with a new family. Now, almost 17 years later, Sam and Dean learn what it means to be brothers. Warning: [Spoiler (click to open)] Bully Sam and asshole John in the begining.
Chapter 2 AN: Update-ed chapter! Huge thanks to lotrspnfangirl for looking this over and making this better. All mistakes are still mine.
The moment coach Turner dismissed the class, Dean and Benny were in front of the coach in no time. They didn’t even stop to grab their stuff from the lockers.
“Coach Turner! You can’t seriously expect me to show up to class where he is in charge. He hates me and I mean HATES me!”
“Sorry, boy, but this is final,” said Turner before he looked over to where John was talking to Sam. From the looks of things, it was clear John was not happy. Looking back at Dean, Rufus Turner took a deep breath before saying, “Look, boy, I didn’t know about this until last night. By then I had already turned in the final list to the principal. I talked to my friend, Bobby, last night and he believes you can handle two months. Like he said, and I agree, John can be a thickheaded bastard but he has to behave in front of the class.”
Rufus paused and gave Dean an uncharacteristically friendly smile. “If it makes you feel better, I never would have chosen Winchester over there as my stand-in. I especially wouldn’t have asked you to join if I had known. Now, I really need to go... See you boys when I get back.”
It didn’t really make Dean feel better; he wasn’t sure anything could right now. It didn’t help that when Dean and Benny finished picking up their stuff, John and Sam were waiting for them.
“You’re not going to get away with this, boy. I wouldn’t get too comfortable in this class. No one takes my son’s place and gets away with it,” said John, his voice low and dangerous, before storming out the doors. Sam soon followed after him, but not before sending a wicked smile in Dean’s direction.
Dean wondered if John got the irony of what he just said.
- Supernatural -
‘Great! How am I supposed to survive two months, three times a week, with John fucking Winchester as my teacher?’ thought Dean as he and Benny walked out off gym on their way to the cafeteria.
“Don’t worry, brotha,” Benny comforted, like he had just read Dean’s mind. “Jo and I will be there with you and we can always report him if he crosses the line.”
“Thanks, man,” Dean replied, giving his friend a small smile. He didn’t think Benny could say anything either to make this better, but he appreciated that he tried. Dean’s mind kept going over every scenarios of how this could turn out. He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice when he walked into someone. At least, not until he was on his back on the floor, surrounded by books and papers, with a person on top of him.
Dean’s first instinct was to tell this person to watch where the hell they were going and to get the hell off of him. Before he could do that, he locked eyes with the bluest pair he had ever seen. With that, his brain stopped working. Well, his upstairs brain anyway.
When he finally managed to tear his eyes away, he saw that they belonged to the hottest guy Dean had ever seen, despite the fact he was wearing a suit and a trench coat. Who in their right mind wears that to school? Though to be honest, it wasn’t like Dean minded; if possible, they made the guy even hotter. Dean could stare at him for hours and hours. Now all Dean needed was to get him out off those clothes...
“Well, this is awkward. We can leave you two alone if you like,” came a voice Dean didn’t recognize from above them. He glanced up and saw a shorter boy standing beside Benny and looking down at them with an amused expression.
‘This has to be the new kids’, thought Dean, since he was pretty sure he would have remembered if he had seen the first boy before.
“Oh! I’m so, so sorry,” the boy on top of Dean sputtered nervously, suddenly seeming to have realized how inappropriate the position they happened to be in was. After getting off him, the guy offered Dean his hand to help him up. “Again, I’m so sorry. I just started here and I was trying to figure out where I was and because of that, I wasn’t paying any attention to where I was going and my name is Castiel Novak.” The blue-eyed hottie blurted everything out without taking a breath. He was also still way too far into Dean’s personal space.
Not that Dean was complaining.
“I’m Dean.” And that was it. Even if they only knew each other names, it was enough. As far as Dean was concerned, nothing else mattered. Except...
“Oh! And this is my friend Benny.” Okay, maybe his friends mattered a little. Mostly because Benny kicked him after he had been standing there staring at Castiel for way too long.
“Uhh-hu-hmm! You forgot the most important person. I’m his brother, Gabriel. But don’t let me get in the way, just continue eye fucking each other,” the boy who had been with Castiel said. He was helping Benny pick up all the books and papers Castiel had dropped, or at least they were pretending to pick them. Truth be told, Benny and Gabriel were way too busy watching Castiel and Dean, he could feel their gazes on him from their crouched position on the floor. Dean felt himself blush as he looked away from Castiel to greet Gabriel with a friendly nod. When he looked back at Castiel, they sent each other a shy smile before they helped the other boys pick everything up.
“I’m sorry to break up this magical moment, but Cassy and I need to go see the principal,” said Gabriel as they all handed Castiel his belongings.
“Please stop calling me that, Gabriel!” Castiel gave an exasperated sigh, then turned his attention back to Dean. “Anyway, it was nice meeting you, Dean,” said Castiel as he slowly walked away.
“Likewise, Cas,” Dean answered, blushing, without even realizing that he had just called him Cas instead of Castiel.
“Nice meeting you, too, Benny. Why, thank you! It was nice meeting you, too, Castiel,” Benny sing-songed from his position beside Gabriel and both of them were trying to contain their laughter.
“Ohh. I’m sorry! It was nice meeting you, too, Benny,” Castiel said quickly and flushed as he tried to look away from Dean to the other boys. “Gabriel, we need to go. Hopefully, I will see you later, Dean.” With that, Castiel and Gabriel walked away.
The two boys were hardly out of sight before Benny was laughing his head off. The death stare Dean sent him only made him laugh harder.
-Supernatural -
When Dean and Benny got to the cafeteria, they found Charlie, Jo and Ash at their regular table in the back. On the first day of high school, they had all agreed to pick the table as far away from everybody else and it had stuck through the years. If it also happened to be the table farthest away from the popular table-- a.k.a Sam Winchester’s table-- that was purely coincidence.
“Hey guys, what took you so long?” asked Charlie when Benny and Dean reached the table and sat down.
“Oh, nothing. Dean was just too busy flirting with the new kid,” said Benny smiling before stuffing his face with food.
“WHAT?” yelled Charlie and Jo at the same time. They yelled so loudly that the kids on the other side of the room looked up.
“Keep your voice down!” Dean hissed as he glared at Benny before deciding to kick him in the foot. Hard. “Besides, I wasn’t flirting. I was just walking and the next thing I know, he’s on top of me.”
“Wait! He was on top?” Jo sat back, a strange expression crossing her face. “Huh, I never figured you for a bottom.”
“Oh, please, Dean’s totally a bottom!” Charlie shot back.
Why am I friend with these people? thought Dean as the girls talked back and forth and Benny laughed so hard that he had some of the red juice he’d been drinking, leaking out of his mouth. Last but not least was Ash sitting there wondering what the heck was going on.
Before the girls could really get into it, the doors of the cafeteria slammed open. In walked the school's golden trio. Sam, Lucifer, and Alistair.
Dean desperately wanted to disappear when the trio bypassed their table and made their way down the cafeteria. It took a second to realize they were walking towards him. He had been in a good mood since the moment he met Cas, and he was determined not to let his brother and his friends ruin it.
“Hey, Lose-chester!” called Lucifer right before they reach the table.
“Dean, I wanted to let you know, my dad talked Principal Crowley into giving you detention. You know, for switching my name for yours. Since Crowley won't put me back in gym class and I’m stuck in that lame book class because of you,--” Dean wondered if he was the only one that noticed how Sam didn’t seem too upset about it. Or how he kept glancing at his friends while he was talking. “--me and the boys have decided that you get to be on clean up duty after class. Plus, Dad probably has something really special planned for you when he starts teaching. Aren't you lucky, jerk?” finished Sam before they three walked away.
“Care to explain what that's about?” Jo broke the silence when the trio was far enough away.
“I may have moved Sam’s name from the gym list to the literature one.” When he saw the look of disapproval on his friend's face, he quickly added, “I think the only reason he signed up for gym was because his dad and friends pressured him into it. I saw him right before he signed up. He was thinking about joining the literature class but his dad called him before he could do it.”
“Okay, but why did you have to change it? The guy hates you and he is obviously going to hold it against you,” Benny pointed out.
“I don’t know! I just…” wanted to be a good big brother, finished Dean in his head. As fucked up as his family was, Dean still hoped that he and Sam would get along some day. No way in hell was Dean going to tell his friends that. They didn’t like Sam and if he told them this, they would give him the sad, sad look he hated. “I just… wanted to join gym class without having to deal with him all the time.”
Dean was pretty sure that Jo and Ash bought that. But from the expression on Benny and Charlie’s faces, he had them no where near fooled. Thankfully, they let it slide. For now at least.
“What did he mean about John teaching?” asked Charlie
“You haven’t heard? Coach Turner is going away for two months. John is taking over the gym classes while the coach is away,” answered Benny. Somehow, Dean had kind of forgotten all about John Winchester after he met Cas. Now it was getting harder and harder to hold on to his good mood.
Before anyone could say anything, the doors open again and in walked Castiel and Gabriel.
Castiel noticed Dean right away and a smile broke out on both their faces. Unfortunately, before Cas could so much as take one step towards Dean, Lucifer called, “Castiel, Gabriel, over here!”
Dean watched as Castiel looked over to Lucifer's table before looking back at him. Castiel sent Dean a shy little smile before following his brother toward the ‘Golden Trio’ table.
Dean good mood was officially over.
Hadn’t Jo and Charlie been talking about the new kids being related to someone in school? Dean wanted to kick himself for not connecting two and two together when Castiel had said his last name was Novak. Of course, Dean’s crush had to be related to Lucifer Novak. Could this day possibly get any worse?
Of course it could.
“Castiel, how come I didn’t know you were starting today? I’m supposed to be your best friend!” The voice carried across the cafeteria and Dean’s stomach plummeted.
“Can’t I surprise my best friend, Sam?” came Castiel’s calm voice and Dean’s dream crumbled. The sympathy looks he got from his friends, unfortunately, did not help.