Dean's Angel chapter 14

Feb 21, 2019 20:46

Title: Dean's angel
Fandom: Supernatural
Beta'd by: lotrspnfangirl and Jdl71
Summary: Dean has always been special, Mary just didn't know how much. Dean was little when he died for the very first time and it changed his life forever. Being a hunter can be tricky. Being a hunter who sees dead people is even trickier. Especially when you don't know why you see them and you really don't want your family to find out about your capability.
Warning: (Highlight to see.)Characters death, it's supernatural what do you expect. It's either non-permanent, death that all ready happened on the show or minor original characters.
Huge thanks to everybody that has left comments and kudos, it means the world to me.
I want to thank JDL71 and Lotrspnfangirl, like usual they went over the chapter and fixed all my mistakes and added their magical touches to it. They’re awesome! I don’t know what I would do without them.
Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 14

May 16th, 2008

Bobby Singer was not a happy camper. He, by no means, had had an easy life; from growing up with an abusive father, to his wife getting possessed, and then finally becoming a hunter, he’d been through a lot. But the last forty-eight hours had been an emotional rollercoaster unlike any he’d had before. All because of those goddamn Winchester brothers.

After his wife Karen died, Bobby swore he’d never let himself care for anyone as much as he had her. Then John Winchester had to show up on his doorstep with his two young, adorable (not that he would ever admit thinking that) boys and ruin everything for him. Karen always said he had too big a heart... maybe she was right. He’d started to care for those two boys like they were his own, and it only got worse after they lost their father. He knew he could never replace John Winchester in those boys eyes, but he wanted to try his damn hardest to make sure they were alright. Oh, how he’d failed.

He could still hear the panic in Dean’s voice when he called earlier, out of breath as he told Bobby Sam had disappeared into thin air and the only trace Dean could find was sulfur. He didn’t even have to think twice before he was up and out the door to go meet up with him. If it had been anyone else, Bobby would’ve sent the nearest hunter to help. But he didn’t trust anyone else with his boys.

Sam’s disappearance reeked of the demon responsible for tearing the Winchester family apart, the son of a bitch they’d all been hunting for years. And that could only mean something big was about to happen and Sam was somehow smack dab in the goddamn middle. Yes, the fewer people that knew, the better.

Bobby was just barely preparing himself for what situation they would find Sam in when the next shock came: The Roadhouse, burned to the ground, and no survivors as far as he could see. Whatever information Ash had was gone, and they were no closer to getting Sam back safe. One step forward, just about ten backwards.

Thankfully, there seemed to be some damn luck still on their side. Even though it scared the hell out of him when Dean suddenly grabbed his head in pain, falling against the car, it had put them in the right direction again. A vision. As far as he’d known, Sam had been the one with the visions and Dean was the one with the ability to see dead people, not the other way around. As they got into the car to head to their next destination, he glanced over at Dean and he couldn’t help but to think what the hell was going on?

Finding out what happened to the Roadhouse needed to take a backseat, the top of the list of things to figure out later. The first thing had to be finding Sam and getting him back. And that’s where Bobby failed them.

Tires squealing, tearing up the mud, and running through the abandoned town… they arrived seconds too late. They got there just in time for Dean to watch his brother get stabbed in the back, holding him until Sam’s last breath slipped away.

Dean screaming his brother’s name would probably haunt him until the day he died.

It took some time, but Bobby finally got Dean to take Sam’s body into one of the run down cabins nearby, not wanting to risk staying in that town any longer then they needed. Dean didn’t say a single word the entire time. It took Bobby back to when he first met Dean... He hadn’t talked then either. John had told him that Dean had stopped talking when Mary died, and Bobby couldn’t help but worry how long it would take him to talk again this time.

Turns out, it took less than a day.

Bobby asked if he could do anything and all he got was, “No, thanks. I’m fine.”

He brought Dean food and again, all he got was, “No, thanks. I’m fine.”

“I want you to come with me,” Bobby said. It couldn’t possibly be good for Dean to stay here, especially with Sam still in the next room.

“I'm not going anywhere.”

No surprise there. Bobby contemplated drugging and dragging Dean away, but that would never work. Dean would just come back. No, Dean would have to leave on his own free will. So, Bobby did what he never thought he would do. He begged. Begged Dean to go with him, to help him. Something big was going down, end-of-the world big, and he needed help.

“Well, then let it end!” yelled Dean, and that was the most emotion Bobby had seen from the older Winchester in days. He couldn’t possibly mean that, could he? The boy who had grown up wanting to save the world?

“You don’t mean that.”

“You don't think so? Huh? You don't think I've given enough? You don't think I've paid enough? I'm done with it! All of it. And if you know what's good for you, you'd turn around and get the hell out of here,” said Dean, getting up in Bobby’s face. Lost for words, all Bobby could do was shake his head.

“Go!” yelled Dean as he shoved him away. Though after a moment, he deflated, something inside of him crushing the spirit he had left. “I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please, just go.”

He didn’t want to go, but he wasn’t anywhere close to getting through to Dean. There was nothing he could do to help him… All Bobby could do was make sure there still was a world left when Dean would finally be ready to face it again. “You know where I'll be.”

Bobby was less than an hour away when he realized that even though Dean needed space, he really shouldn’t be left alone right now. The end of the world could wait. His boys… no his boy needed him right now. “Uhh, balls!”

Bobby turned the car around, but he was too late. Dean was already gone. In a way, it was a relief. At least he hadn’t come back to find two bodies. He took a moment to contemplate going after Dean, but he quickly realized that it wouldn’t do any good. Dean could’ve gone anywhere and if a Winchester wanted to be left alone, he would make goddamn sure he couldn’t be found. One thing was for certain, Dean would come back for Sam. The few times he’d so much as hinted at burying Sam or torching his corpse, Dean had lashed out. Not that that surprised him or anything. He just didn’t think Dean would be willing to let go until he was absolutely certain that Sam wasn’t coming back.

Bobby really hoped that Dean wasn’t out there somewhere doing something stupid. That he just needed a little time and space to come around. To grieve in his own way.

Walking into the room they’d left Sam’s body in, Bobby saw that Dean had moved a small chair closer to the bed. Bobby took up the seat and finally let himself grieve. He hadn’t had a chance to yet. He’d wanted to be there for Dean, to take the burden away from the older Winchester for once.

“Sam... I’m so sorry, son. I don’t know how this all works, but if you could come back, just once for your brother, I think it would help. Just once.”

But, nothing.

He didn’t know what he’d been expecting to happen, but he knew he had to try something. Whatever was happening was big and the world needed the best hunters to stop it. Bobby knew that meant Dean, meant Sam. He also knew that Dean didn’t have his head in the game and wouldn’t, not if he still thought there was a chance he could get Sam back. Hell, even if it was proven they couldn’t, if it was a sure thing Sam was gone, he wasn’t sure Dean would survive that. Dean needed Sam, the world needed Dean. Bobby needed them both if he was going to survive.

There wasn’t much in the world that truly scared Bobby, but it had scared the shit out of him when Dean said that they should just let the world end. Had he just lost both of them? Bobby brought a hand up to wipe his face. Then he started, staring before him.

He blinked a few times, raising his hand to rub at his eyes. The bed was empty! Sam’s body had just disappeared into thin air. Again! What would the demon need with Sam’s-- unless it wasn’t--

“Damn it, Dean! What have you done now!”

It was an hour, ten unanswered phone calls, and thirty five angry, unanswered text messages later, that Bobby heard the sound of the Impala driving up to the house.

Bobby didn’t even have to think twice before he stormed towards the car. Sam stepped out of the car and Bobby immediately pulled him into a bone crushing hug. He felt Sam go stiff for just a second before he returned the hug just as hard. Bobby didn’t let go until he heard the sound of the driver’s door being slammed shut on the other side. Turning towards the older brother, he demanded, “What. Did. You. Do?”

“Bobby, go easy on him,” Sam said softly.

“Go easy? Whatever your brother did--”

“I made a deal,” answered Dean, staring right into Bobby’s eyes, daring him to try to convince him that he’d done the wrong thing. To imply that no deal was worth Sam’s life.

“Damn it, boy!” When Dean opened up his mouth to defend his decision, Bobby quickly added, “Don’t get me wrong, I’m overjoyed that we have Sam back!” He gripped Sam’s shoulder tightly, giving him a small smile before he looked back at Dean. “But I don’t want to lose you instead. How do you think Sam will feel when you go, huh?”

Dean said nothing to that, kicking his boot into the dirt and scattering pebbles across the drive. He wouldn’t meet either of their eyes.

“Balls! You should have talked to me before you did something stupid, Dean! I could’ve helped you, instead you went alone--”

“I wasn't alone, I had Sam!” Dean argued, but Bobby got the feeling that wasn’t entirely the whole truth. “I had to do something Bobby. I just couldn’t--”

“I know.” And Bobby did know. Dean wasn’t going to survive for long without his brother. He sighed and adjusted the brim of his baseball cap. “At least we have ten years to get you out of this mess.”

The brothers exchanged a guilty look before Dean turned back to Bobby. “Yeah, about that… I only got one,” he said sadly.

Bobby took a deep breath and started counting to ten in his head. One. Two. “I could just strangle you!” he burst out, heat rising through his body as he tried to quell his anger. “What the hell do you mean you only got one? Did you do something to piss the demon off?”

Dean actually looked offended by that. “Of course not. He… well, he’d heard how I was the best hunter there was, so he didn’t want me around.”

“And you!” Bobby said turning towards Sam. “I thought lawyers were supposed to be good negotiators. How could you let him make that deal?”

“I didn’t actually have much of a choice, Bobby. I couldn’t have stopped him even if I wanted to.”

Looking the two of them over, Bobby noticed that they both looked exhausted. Remembering that Dean at least hadn’t eaten anything in at least the last twenty hours, which had to be a record in Dean’s case, and he doubted that Sam had taken the time to eat when he was stuck in that town. He sighed and motioned them toward the cabin.

“You're right, we should head inside. Eat. Rest. We have other things to worry about right now. We have a year to get you out of this mess, that’s something at least.” If anything, Dean looked even worse after he heard that. “What? What aren't you telling me?”

Before Dean could answer, Sam beat him to it, “Dean owes the demon, who claims to be the king of the crossroads, a ‘favor’.”

One. Two. Three. “Do I even want to know what kind of a ‘favor’?”

“Get your mind out of the gutter old man! It’s not that kind of favor. At least... I hope not. We don’t really know what it is yet,” Dean answered with a shrug, despite having paled more than he had been a moment ago.

“I think we all need something to drink! Like yesterday,” Bobby growled out as he walked into the cabin.


“Castiel? What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in South Africa looking over charges there?” asked Uriel as he landed next to angel in question on the empty crossroad.

“They are safe. I made sure of that before I left,” said Castiel as he wiped something off his vessels face. Uriel wasn’t sure what it was until he saw the red on his brother’s hand. Blood. Had his vessel been injured? Or was it someone else’s?

“Brother, are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” Castiel answered with a tight nod. “Something big went down here tonight. Can you feel it?”

“No,” lied Uriel. He didn’t know why, or cared really, but Zachariah had ordered him recently to follow Castiel around and find out what he knew. What it was that Castiel was supposed to know, Uriel had no idea. He just followed and reported everything back to Zachariah.

But, for the first time in what the humans counted as months, Uriel had gotten a new mission. He was ordered to check if he could find anything unusual at the crossroad before returning to his original assignment. He had come straight here after leaving Zachariah’s office only to find out that Castiel had beat him here. How? And why? “What makes you think that?”

“Yesterday I could feel someone suffering in Cold Oak, South Dakota. Almost like that person was praying to me to fix whatever happened. But no matter how hard I try, I can’t place who it is. Its almost like that person doesn't exist…” Castiel cocked his head to the side, then continued, “We are supposed to know all of father’s creations, so why don’t I know this one? It doesn't make any sense...Anyway, it took me some time but once I got there, I could feel the death and demonic energy in the air. More death then there should be.”

“What does that have to do with why you are here?” asked Uriel. He had a feeling he knew the answer, but he needed Castiel to confirm it.

“I followed the scent. First it led me to a empty cabin... The same feeling of sorrow and death lingered there. Bobby Singer was the only presence there, and he seemed angry and upset. I could feel his grief but it wasn’t the same sorrow I had followed. There was a trace of demonic energy there, but it was different from the one in Cold Oak. The trail led me here. Someone made a deal here recently,” finished Castiel as he bent down and ran his hand over the freshly dug ground. “The hole is empty.”

“Brother, are you sure you’re alright? I don’t feel anything from this place.” Another lie. The place reeked of Dean Winchester’s distress, a surprisingly powerful crossroad demon - Crowley most likely, and- and a newly revived Sam Winchester. How very interesting. He would have to ask Zachariah if everything that had gone down here had gone according to plan. He doubted he would get the answer though. The higher-ups had been keeping all plans under wraps lately.

Castiel moved directly in front of him and stared long and hard onto his eyes. When he seemed to have found whatever he had been looking for he said, “Something weird is going on and I intend to find out what it is!”

“We have orders, Castiel! We can’t just-”

“I won’t let this interfere with my duties. And I would like to remind you just who you are talking to, Uriel. I may have been off the field for a while, but I still pull rank over you. Watch your tone!”

Uriel nodded, dipping his head as a sign of respect. But if Castiel only knew that the reason he still had his position in the garrison was so that the other angels could keep a closer look on him… he would wage war on his brothers.

dean winchester, fic, spn, castiel, sam winchester, dean's angel

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