Jul 23, 2004 23:02
random happy thing that happened today: hildy mccormick gave me a starbucks coffee just cause i was working late tonight. she came out of the locker room when i was closing (after probably living up to her reputation of trailing towels everywhere in the locker room, which housekeeping hates her for) and she was like, here, i forgot to give you this when i came in cause i had two and you're working late. and so i took it and i thought she took two from the cooler and was returning one but then after she left i realized we don't sell those and she was giving it to me for no good reason at all but just to be nice and i felt really bad cause i didn't say thank you. so next time i see her at one of my two jobs im gonna tell her thank you for my coffee cause its gonna wake me up tomorrow morning. it's people like that who make me feel really special sometimes, even if they do never stop jokingly blaming you for losing their card.
and then...you come home to a dark house and you can't find your mom and your boyfriend forgets about you and somehow getting a free coffee from a random wellbridge member kind of slips into obscurity and then you feel alone.
my book is getting sad now, because the guy finally stops talking about needing a drink and instead starts talking about how all hes ever felt was alone and all he ever wanted to feel was loved and the only friend he had was killed by a train and the only girl who ever made him feel loved he pushed away and when he screams he just screams into emptiness because theres no one there to listen....