my doctor is a what?

Feb 03, 2009 10:41

so if your doctor ever tells you he's going to 'strip your membranes' make sure you run out of that room while you still have your pants on.

My doctors apointment was like hell fuck off early (9.15) and all last night I was on and on about how I didnt want a pelvic exam and I was probably gonna have to have one cause it's like the day after my due date and the demons still in there, but I was so tired when he mentioned it I was like whatever and just let it happen but holy fucking shit that is the pelvic exam to end all pelvic exams. The pain, holy shit I didn't realize he had KNIVES FOR FINGERS.
So then we ended up in the labour ward cause the recipionist can't hear properly and he told her to make me a thingo in the labour ward for the 12th which is when I'll be induced but she got mixed up and sent us over there so I got hooked up to this machine thingo and noone could figure out why I was there but whatever it was all good, I got to see the ward and the nurses are awesome.

The doctor on call was freaking wierd though, he's this super tall skinny indian bloke and I swear he was wearing some sort of makeup. Like srsly, his eyes, were freaking black, like he was a goddamed goth or something. Then he was patronizing me talking about due dates and how they're just an estimation and like me and Mum are just sitting there rolling our eyes.
He's lucky I wasn't actually in labour hey cause I would've been throwing shit at him.
Not literally duh, I'm not a monkey.

So anywho, I've been getting labour pains since this membrane stripping bullshit so tonight may be the night and holy shit there's another one.
Don't get pregnant, it isn't fun.

ALSO haven't heard from Brycefag since I pointed out the fact that he legally can't do much at all. All he can really do is try to get a DNA test and all I have to do is wave around the myspace messages he sent saying 'I'm gonna take this kid away from you' and then the one that says 'I shoot up heroin and walk past primary schools to perve on children'
Yes boys and girls I'm being serious, he sent me messages like that, of course you me and everyone else knows he's being sarcastic or whatever but does a mentally healthy person really make sarcastic comments about being a paedophile?
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