Jun 24, 2008 14:26
This is by far the single most boring experience of my life. I am not going to die most of the hemlock has been removed from my blood stream...so I look like a corpse and they are trying to study my migraines...I hold I am beyond well enough to return to work. I am wasting far to much valuable time in this hospital bed that I could be spending at work...Or with Jr. Which ever works. Wow I sound like a bitch wen i write it that way
Seriously if I see one more John Hughes movie I may actually accomplish the blotched suicide this time...why on earth do they have only these channels? I cant even watch CNN or anything at this point I would settle for Comedy Central I really don't care anything is better than Life Time and this 80's bullshit...I lived through this Do NOT make me relive through it! I hated it then too!
....Was it just me or did Carinal Borgia skip this week? the city must ahve nothing to offer or hes still upset over Miss Hellsing.
-Gaignun Kukai
[ooc; Slashes are Hackable
head desk,
oh sweet u-do bored,
fucking bored