Feb 27, 2005 02:49
im prettttttttty fucken drunk hehehe luckys tonight...
i had to say a BIG good bye a dear dear close close beautiful friend tonight witch sucked..
im sick of all the emo ppl on this really GET OVA UR SELF life dose reallllly goo oon noo shit we all have problems and yess we might need to write them down BUT DONT SHOW THE WORLD really just shows us u need to tell us so we can feel sorry for u and im not the only one that thinks it so post it privitly or if u think im cunt delete me off ur friends account coz im too fat and lazy to do it myself soo yer...
ummm had a good night some things shited me and had a bad night coz of that but on the other hand had a kick ass night
thanks grant for driving me home..
and lalalalalallaalallala ---more crap lalalalalaalalal w000pw0000pw000pw000p