Jul 09, 2004 22:38
Yes, the long awaited big update. Now usually I make my entries private, so only the people I want to view it can. This one will be public. This one will be long. This one may piss some people off, but I dont give a fuck. So ima stop bullshitting and get to the point. This is how I truely feel, and its something that has needed to be said for a long time.
Wow, where to start. I guess theres some major points I should explain to everyone. Included in this issue of Confessions will be: Family, Friends, School, Personal, and Love Life.
I guess Ill take Family for $1000, Alex. Let me open by saying this, i HATE my family. With that said, Ill go into detail. I will be 17 in a matter of days. My sister is now 15. What did she get? A car. Does she even have a permit? Nope. But yet she has a car. Now following this logic, shouldnt i get a house on my birthday? I cant live in it for another year, but hell its nice to know i have it. I honestly cant stand this house. The yelling, the arguing, the blaming. But I dont really have a choice, so theres no point in bitching about it. I found out my dad is going to be gone on my birthday. again. Yeah its for work. But he has missed more than half of my birthdays for work. Last time he was home was 4 years ago. I dont really mind it anymore, but it would be nice to actually see him. He works all day. Leaves before I get up, gets home at 8, goes to bed at 10. So I see him for about 2 hours a day. On the weekends hes home, so we do spend some time together there. Its nice when im not being yelled at.
Next up, Friends. As I mentioned before, there are a select few people who are the reason Im still at palmdale. Dont get me wrong, i love all of you. You have done soo much for me, you have no idea. You all really mean alot to me, and have helped me through alot of hard shit. But I am giving up alot for you, for me to be able to stay at palmdale. I dont mind, i mean you all have givin shit up for me. Just remember I love you all, new friends, old friends. thanks for being there. I truely mean that.
"Hes rounding third, and comes sliding in to SCHOOL!!" Not much to say here really. Next year I will be attending Palmdale High. That has been a big debate over the last year. Highland is closer, but palmdale, here I come. Again. *crowd cheers as falcon dances across field only to be tackled*
And batting next is Personal Life. Actually, lately I have been better. Ive regret alot of things, no doubt. But I have been trying to get my life in order. Im trying to take more responcibilty for what I do. I am not really dwelling on the little things. I am not going to fuck around in school next year. I would change alot of things ive done, but i cant. There is no way to change anything. Im sorry for hurting anyone, and im sorry for not being there when I should have. I have been working on changing alot of stuff about me. I really didnt like what I had become. I wasnt really happy at all. But yes, that all has changed. I am honestly happy now.
And finnaly Love Life. This is where it gets ugly. As most of you know, for the last year I have liked someone. alot. Now I never really acted on it, for a few reasons. One being the fact of her current/ex boyfriend. That changed pretty much daily. I despised that guy. Anyway, thats a different story. I never knew what was going on with them. They were together, they werent, then they were. Also there was the fact that I had some issues that I had to deal with myself. But now I think ive missed my chance. Im too late once again. But I had it coming, and it is entirely my fault. If I could do it again, would i do it differently? Yeah, i would. Do I regret it? Yeah, i really do. On a side note, I met someone from new jersey, and i happen to love her. I cant wait til '05.
And thats the end of my story for tonight. Leave comments, talk shit as you must, praise me as you please. There will probibly be more to it later, but its getting late now, and I must be going. Got to clean house for tommorow. Thanks all for reading. I will end with the words of the great legend, noelle.
I less than three you all. (try and figure that out)