Feb 03, 2004 21:46
OK, so I had this whole big ass update typed out.. Yeah then I closed the window. Oops. The only reason Im typing this is for Noelle. So heres more or less what I had typed:
I really hate Mr. Mountain Man. Hes my third period teacher. He assigns us this project last week. It was due on monday. Now I really dont have too much of a problem with that. I get to be partners with noelle, and thats really cool. So I do this project-thing. On Monday he pushes the presentations back to Tuesday. Fine. Go in Tuesday, no presentations. Great. None today either... Now normally I wouldnt care. But I actually did this project. And I did it on time. I better get to fuckin present tommorow or Ima fuckin kill one unhappy climber..
In other news, I went fourth period today. Thats the first time I went to fourth period on a flex day in sooo long. Im kinda glad I went.. I had fun. Me and Noelle walked out when all the ditchers left to go to lunch. That was fun, Mr. B caught us coming back to the class. It ended up being pretty fun in class.
Hmm what else... I think thats about it for now..