Baby, this won't get an easier.

May 06, 2007 20:28


Today was mine and Jordan's one month anniversary, right?
Now I know that's not long, but still,
it's something I'm happy about.
So you would think we would spend time together, right?
We decide to meet up at the shopping center about 15 minutes from my house
around 4 or so (this was decided about 2 or so).
Jordan left his friend's house at 2:50 to come up here.
I walk down to meet him about 3:50, get there a little after 4,
and of course, he's not there.
I wait until 5:30 without seeing him or getting a call.
I go back home and get a call from him about 7
asking if I can meet him down at pro skatepark.
Normally not a big deal since it's down Cheyenne
and isn't too far of a drive.
I ask my mom and she said no, it's sunday and it's getting somewhat late.
I tell Jordan and he says he'll walk over.
I say okay.
I think to myself, "No, fuck you."
I call him back and tell him to forget it and he says why.
I tell him because I can't stay out too late and have to wake up early
and it's going to take awhile if we're going to walk.
I tell him to call me tomorrow.

I mean, I wanted to see him, but calling me 3 hours later?
What kind of shit is that?
He blew me off last night, which wasn't the first time,
and then to pull shit like that on our one month?
That's pretty fucked considering the reason he was late was because
he was hanging out with his friend and "time just went by."
He could've ATLEAST called me from his friend's house
and let me know he was going to be late.

So now I'm pretty pissed and had a crappy weekend except for Cassie's.
I'm waiting for him to call and then I'm going to tell him how I feel.
I hate the fact that he smokes so often
and that he isn't very reliable.
He says he's going to come over and misses the bus because he woke up late.
He says he'll call me back and he doesn't or he'll call me back
at 1:30 in the morning.
I would call him but I never know where he is and he doesn't have a phone.
I like him but I'm tired of dealing with this shit.
And not just from him, either.
I have to deal with my parents and friends pulling shit like this,
I don't need it from him.

I don't know.
I don't knowwwwwww.
I just wish my life could be simple for once.
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