Title: Family Photo.
Rating: K.
Pairings/Characters: Dean/Cas if you squint really hard, Amy/Rory if you tilt your head, Sherlock/John if you tilt your head and squint really hard. Sam, Dean, Castiel, Eleventh Doctor, Amy, Rory, Sherlock, John, animal version of K9.
Word Count: 667.
Summary: The Doctor is shocked when he finds out that Castiel has never had a family photo before, he soon rectifies that. Superwholock.
Notes: Written for
Castiel had never had a family photo.
The second The Doctor had found this out he had been on his way to find a camera faster than a Weeping Angel could move. "How can you have never had a family photo before? Everyones had a family photo before! Even Sam and Dean have had a family photo before..." The Time Lord had rambled, throwing his arms out dramatically as he ran into the TARDIS.
"I...I did not know a "family photograph" was customary here..." The angel mumbled, eyes roving over the wooded area himself, the Winchester brothers, Amy, Rory, The Doctor and Sherlock and John were currently camped out.
"It's not customary...It's just a thing. Most people have had at least one." Dean said from his place on the hood of the Impala, taking a small break from singing along to Metallica to answer the angel.
"Family photographs are so sentimental. Boring." Sherlock chimed in from where he was sitting on a tree branch with John a few feet away.
"You've never had one either?" John asked him, incredulous and yet also not very surprised.
"Of course I haven't. Mummy tried to get me into one of the photographs once..." Sherlock continued on his story to John, voice lowering.
"I have it! I have the perfect camera!" The Doctor yelled as he came out of the TARDIS, hair messed up and breathing hard.
"What happened to you?" Sam -who was currently playing with their dog, K9 - asked, eyebrows raised.
"Almost fell into the pool and then spent a couple minutes fighting off cables..." The Time Lord rambled, setting up what looked to be a very old camera on a tripod. It looked a bit steampunk to be honest.
"Can we just get the family photo thing over so I can listen to my music in peace?" Groaned Dean, turning up the radio beside him on the hood of his baby.
"Fine, fine...Amy! Rory!" The Doctor shouted, poking his head back inside the TARDIS after having successfully set up the odd looking camera.
"We're here, we're here!" Amy called, stumbling out of the TARDIS only to be knocked over by K9.
Castiel continued to watch everyone interact, standing off to the side awkwardly, not really sure what to do with himself. He did not understand the importance of this "family photograph".
"Everyone gather round! Sherlock and Sam at the back, you two are too tall to be at the front. Castiel and Dean, stand in front of them, Amy and Rory get on the floor with K9." the Time Lord in a bowtie ordered, pointing to different places and people.
Sherlock and John both jumped from the tree branch, Castiel likened the way Sherlock's coat flared out to Batmans cape.
Everyone was in their places after a few minutes of chatter and generally faffing around.
"Copy me." Was all Dean murmured to Castiel, too low for anyone else to hear. Castiel gave the hunter a confused look but did as he said, copying his pose exactly.
The Doctor stood behind the camera and pressed some buttons before a small ticking noise came from it, like a clock.
The ticking became faster and faster and within a couple of seconds Dean changed poses so that his back was to Castiel's shoulder and he had his hands raised like a gun. Castiel copied on reflex, a confused look coming over his features.
K9 barked at the sudden movement and The Doctor who had previously been standing in next to Amy and Rory went down onto the floor to hug the dog, one hand rubbing its ears.
A bright flash went off, a clicking noise was heard and the ticking had stopped.
Castiel may as well have jumped ten feet in the air at the bright flash.
Everyone had to stop themselves from snickering at the angels terrified face.
"Well done, you've had your very first family photo!" The Doctor exclaimed, hugging the tense angel and grinning.