Dec 28, 2008 01:13
I wish this was just me bitching about cruddy gifts and family members being shit heads. Two of my dogs died this past week. Rosie on Christmas Eve and then Casey on Christmas.
Rosie got hit by a car Christmas Eve. Mom came running up to the back door and said Rosie had been hit by a car. it looked like she was chasing a toy and didn't even see the car. She already had blood coming out of her mouth when I got to her. We picked her up in a blanket and mom asked me to drive down because she couldn't. We drove her down to the emergency vet and filled out the paper work to have her cremated. We drove home and put a tasty Christmas Eve dinner of tomato soup and grilled cheese on the table.
Christmas morning was fairly normal. Bb complained about how there were too many presents, but then was very, very happy with her haul. Da almost spilled coffee all over the table. And there was the heated conversation about why a second cousin was getting married over the weekend after Christmas and would the fact that her husband is Syrian affect her father's work on top secret projects. Casey was acting droopy, which we thought was some what ok. He had been diagnosed with Valley Fever, so a lack of energy is expected. He didn't want to get out of bed so we made sure his water was near by and that he had some food. He ended up coming in mid day and was having trouble walking, which can happen with Valley Fever as well. About an hour before dinner was ready, Casey went to find my mom and ended up slipping or his legs gave out under him and peed all over himself. We decided to take him down to the vet and have him observed over the night. Check him in and let him know that we'd be back in the morning. The vet said that they would run a blood work to check on things and then call us with the results. Go home and finish up dinner. About five minutes from putting dinner on the table, the vet calls with the results of the blood work. It turns out that Casey has an auto immune disease and that the only way for him to make it through the night would be for them to give him a blood transfusion, which would only have a 40% chance of working and if we had not brought him in that night he would have died at home. Mom tells them to put him down. We put a lovely Christmas dinner on the table and I learn that it's really fucking hard to eat mashed potatoes while tearing up.
Mom told me on friday that she'd going to feel a bit haunted because she didn't go down to the vets when the put Casey down. The worse part for me was that Casey had the please don't leave me look when we left him at the vets.
The house is pretty much empty now, even though we still have Apollo. Casey slept in front of my door and thunked his tail against it. Rosie would get so excited that she'd bring you a shoe. Nobody barks when I get home late. It fucking sucks.