ming and quinn assistant directed a young peoples theatre company in the fall while the director of the group was traveling. the final production was up this week so the 3 of us drove out to white rock (where quinn is from, about 50 minute drive from here)
here is a little photo journal of our trip...
first things first......getting coffee and muffins before we head out.
i always drink coffee out of a straw.
on our way
ming drove and enjoyed a muffin at the same time
honey granola muffin...
on the way into the play....beautiful out!
the girls were given flowers by the kids
the play was great! the kids did such a good job. it was 'Just So' a collection of stories inspired by Rudyard Kiplings stories of how the world came to be. the kids were from ages 8-16 and the range of talent was really fun to watch. i love watching kids theatre. so much passion. and going with quinn and ming was great. in their words..."it was like giving birth to 35 kids at the same time!!! we are soooo proud!".
made me wish i still worked with kids in a theatrical setting....*sigh* hopefully one day soon i will make it happen.
one of my lifetime dreams is to run my own children's theatre company.
and then randomly when we left the theatre and started driving home....
and then when i got home i felt totally awful again so i've been on the couch ever since
so yeah.