an update

Dec 07, 2011 13:54

Eva's life continues to have a positive influence on many aspects of organ donation and awareness for Cystic Fibrosis, two projects that were so important to her. Here is a short update.

The film 65_redroses has been updated to include documentation of the end of Eva's life. It will be aired on OWN (Oprah network) in May of 2012. Canadian distribution of the revised film will also begin at that time. The teacher's guide is near completion and it is fabulous. It and the film will be available to schools (Senior Secondary) in the spring of 2012. The guide offers a multi-curricular approach in the areas of science and disease, ethics, decision making, family dynamics, social media, communication and social responsibility.

The painting 65_redroses is now on permanent loan and on display in the foyer of the BC Children's hospital. It is the perfect location for this artwork as patients and their families can enjoy this beautiful, detailed tableau. Eva and her family spent many hours during her time there wandering the hallways and enjoying the works of art spread around the hospital and so are particularly pleased that it is available there for all to enjoy.

Organ Donation: In the fall of 2009 Eva and her friend Cyrus McEachern painted an organ on the bodies of young organ recipients, then photographed them. Their goal was to have them used in an organ donation awareness campaign. After Eva's death, Cyrus pursued their dream and arranged with BC TRANSPLANT for the images to be used as the centerpiece for a province wide media campaign that included TV ads, placement of the images on BC transit, and pamphlets inserted into driver license renewal forms across the province. BC TRANSPLANT reports that the 'LIVE LIFE, PASS IT ON' campaign has had significant results, with a demonstrable increase in the rate of organ donor sign up. The campaign continues to grow and evolve.

Reddy for a Cure: This is a campaign aimed at engaging youth in the cause to continue to raise awareness and raise funds for CF research. Projects have included ... support for the Vancouver Leisure Society Lawnbowling event, the upcoming curling event in February, last year's benefit concert featuring Dan Mangan, team participation in the annual Great Strides Walk in May.

Keys to a Cure: In the last 2 years, the annual CF fundraising gala has created this fundraising appeal, bringing in over $215 000 for CF research

Longest Hockey Game: Eva was the inspiration for this amazing event that saw 40 women from across the country play hockey nonstop for over 10 days to break the world record by 65 minutes. Over $165 000 was raised. The media coverage and the awareness raised for CF was priceless.

Legacy Project: A group of Eva's neighbours in New Westminster is laying the groundwork for a permanent, artistic, creative legacy project to be launched in the coming months/years. It will focus on youth, education, digital communication, interactive/creative expression and a call to action for positive community involvement and personal well being.

As a young artist, a writer, and a social activist, Eva has left a lasting legacy that continues to leave a mark on organ donation and awareness for Cystic Fibrosis across the country and around the world. She continues to inspire countless young adults to live their lives to the fullest, to appreciate the wonders of the world we live in, and to contribute positively to their communities.

Merry Christmas to all.
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