Supernatural Prompts: 47, 61, 33, 62

Feb 22, 2011 22:12

Title: Love Has Many Forms, Part 1
Author/Artist: my_sam_dean
Character/Pairing: Dean
Fandom: Supernatural
Theme: 47 - every you, every me

Dean had the shovel over one shoulder and the duffel over the other. What had started out as an unseasonably cool, misty fall evening had turned into a thunderstorm with driving rain. His hair was plastered to his scalp. Rain rolled down his neck and invaded the warmth under his leather jacket.

Visibility was low on the way to the motel. He had to make a real effort to keep his speed down when all he wanted was a hot shower and sleep. His droopy eyes peered through the rain, thankful to see the rundown motel sign with only the letters 'o' and 'l' lit up.

Desperately trying to get rid of the chill under the water that never got warmer than tepid and had lousy shower pressure, Dean shifted from foot to foot as he rubbed his hands on his arms.

"Come on, come on." Dean scowled at the showerhead and the water turned ice cold in revenge. "Shit!" He leapt out of the tub so fast that he stumbled and tore part of the shower curtain.

Shivering was supposed help his body warm up. Dean knew it as a fact. Their father had hammered first aid into both him and Sam. At the moment, the movement didn't seem to be helping Dean. He dried off as best he could, bundled up in his warmest sweat suit and thick socks, and huddled under the covers.

As he laid there in the dark, he knew he hadn't been eating enough of the right foods. He hadn't been sleeping enough and he'd spent too much time running on empty. It was going to catch up with him. If he could just fall asleep, he'd take better care of himself starting tomorrow. He could sleep in, find a grocery store and actually use the small fridge and microwave that came with the room. Well, he'd have to bleach them out first.

The shrill sound of his cell phone ripped Dean from his peaceful slumber. He slapped at the nightstand, finding his phone just before it vibrated onto the phone.

"Yeah?" he cleared his throat when it came out at as croak.

"Who am I speaking with?" a woman asked him.

Dean sat up and turned on the lamp. One look at his watch told him that he'd only been asleep for two hours. He didn't have long before the sun would cut through the cheap curtains. "Do you know what time it is, lady?"

"Almost four o'clock." She was all business. "Can I get your name, please?"

He glanced at his ID and it read 'Unavailable'. "Who the hell is this?"

"Nurse Lacy from County General."

"Is Sam hurt?" Dean hadn't seen him for a year but that didn't change how he felt about the kid.

"I don't know any Sam. If you'll be patient with me and answer my questions, I'll be able to tell you more information sooner."

"Dean. Dean Winchester."

"What do you drive?"

"1967 Chevy Impala."

"What color?"

"Black. Why?"

“I was given your number by Tami Carr. She was able to give me just a few details about you.”

“Okay. Why did she need to call me?”

“She didn’t want to call you. She’s in labor and is going to sign away her rights. The baby can’t be given up for adoption unless you’ve signed the papers, too. That’s why I’m calling.”

“She’s in labor?”

“Yes. She says you’re the father.” Silence. “Hello?”

“I’m here. I mean, I’ll be there. To get the baby.”

“So, you’re not going to sign away your rights?”

“No. I’ll . . . what do I need to bring?”

“Just yourself.”

“I’m on my way. Don’t let anyone take my baby. I’m coming.”

“We don’t make a habit of that,” Nurse Lacy’s heart felt lighter after hearing how happy Dean was at the news. “Drive careful.”

After shutting his phone, Dean copied the number and address of the hospital into his journal just in case the slip in his wallet got lost. He rolled his stiff shoulders and tried to crack his neck. Groaning, he twisted and turned until he made his neck and back worse than it was before.

If he could just drink enough coffee to make it through four states to the hospital, he’d be happy. After that, he could worry about purchasing baby items and selecting a place to stay. Oh, he'd have to get that extra rest somewhere in there, too.


The weather didn’t warm up as the sun rose. More dark clouds rolled in and icy drizzle that turned to a pounding torrent in a heartbeat were in the imminent future. At the last Gas Stop/Convenience Store, Dean was able to find replacement wiper blades, and bags of snacks that at least resembled real foods. The dehydrated apple chips and spicy jerky (not the kind conformed to a tube) weren’t bad. A couple bottles of cola gave him a break from coffee.

He was getting closer and closer to the hospital. Doubts were beginning to pop up in his head. Was he ready to be a dad? How bad would hunting screw up a kid? In the case of their dad with he and Sam, how had that one turned out? Was it better to stay with family or would they have been better off placed somewhere else?

All Dean knew from a young age was to look out for his little brother. The word ‘family’ was used so often and never explained. When they were on hunts, they saw other families that had been ripped apart by something supernatural that the Winchesters were trying to kill or send away. Sometimes it brought peace to the family that had caught their attention to the problem in the first place. Most of the time, it just prevented the same tragedy from happening over and over.

Dean and Sam learned early on that family was who loved you. Bobby, Father Murphy, Harvelles, Caleb, Jefferson and Missouri were considered family.

Because he had been thrown into hunting at such a young age, there had been a couple of times when Dean had made contact with a small child who had been traumatized. He’d been patient and able to coax the child out of their shell. He wasn’t able to get answers from the kids but he could get breadcrumbs, and that was something.

He’d had a big part in raising Sammy and he never regretted spending time with his little brother instead of going out to find some friends his own age. They’d be moving on in a month or so, and it was easier to hang around Sam who already knew what hunts involved and how careful they had to be so that Child Protective Services didn’t take Dean and Sam away. Most kids thought living in a motel was cool. Dean just let the kids think that. He wanted to be the loner kid who no one bothered. If how they lived gave him some credibility, he'd take it. He'd be able to insure Sam's safety easier that way.

Sam had been a quick learner in anything he wanted to know about. Sometimes hunting fit in that category and other times it didn't. He devoured all that he could find about folklore and legends. When it came to training and bringing what he had read about into practical use in the field, he only went to try to keep Dean safe.

The one summer Sam played soccer, Dad hadn't been happy but he'd let them stay in one place. Both of them pled with him and promised to train extra hard if he allowed them those three months. Dean sat in the bleachers during practice and attended each game. On days when neither was scheduled, they completed training before the sun had enough time to make it too uncomfortable, napped during the hottest hours and practiced soccer in the empty lot until dark.

He'd heaped praise on Sam for studying. He was proud of Sam's grades, even as he had to leave Sam at the door of the school and then take his fake ID and try to hustle before class was out. Dean had known his academic career was non-existent but he wanted Sam to have options spread out before him. He later thought that Sam could have parted on better terms on his way to Stanford. It still felt like a physical injury when he remembered the anger in Sam's eyes directed at him. If he'd known what Sam had planned for that evening, he would have had arguments prepared for their dad. As it was, he had none. He could just stand there, dumbfounded, which Sam mistook as agreeing with the words shouted at him.

Day turned into night. He was getting closer and closer to a future that he was unsure of. He was twenty-three and had never learned how typical folks lived. Sure, he could pretend for a short period of time. That was all he'd been required to do. How was he going to not only convince a nurse that he was a responsible adult but also avoid any mistakes that might make her think he was weird and have social services check up on him? He couldn't just panic and break a baby out of a hospital. Could he? Didn't they have some kind of Lo-Jack on them these days?

Pulling into town, he made one last stop before his destination. He squinted in the dingy bathroom mirror and took a couple deep breaths. He could do this. He had to do this. He changed into his jeans with just a couple small holes and a white t-shirt. It was as good as he was going to look.

His heavy boots resounded on the tile floor. When he spotted the front desk, he flashed the young lady a smile. Then, he remembered he needed to blend in and be responsible, not charming. He toned down his smile.

"Sir? May I help you?"

"Yeah," his throat tightened up until he cleared it. "I received a call from Nurse Lacy. She asked me to come here."

"Nurse Lacy? I know her. Let me call, see if she's on tonight." After a short conversation, she hung up and turned back to Dean. "You're in luck. Nurse Lacy is working the overnight shift so she's just coming on duty. She's on her way down to meet you. Would you like to have a seat?"

After he shook his head, he tried not to pace. His heart was pounding out of his chest and he hoped no one could tell.

A matronly woman appeared. "Dean? This way, please."

"Nurse Lacy? How is . . . I mean, did everything go okay after we spoke? I didn't want to stop to call and check, I thought it would be better to just get here--" Dean fell into step with her and couldn't help his nervous flood of words.

She warmly smiled at him. "Everyone is healthy, don't you worry."

Freshly scrubbed and gowned up, Dean sat in the rocking chair surrounded by tiny beds with babies. It was a sea of pink and blue.

"These two have been waiting to meet you," Nurse Lacy pulled a bed bigger than the others over to Dean. "Your daughter is four minutes younger than your son."

"They're so small." Dean leaned closer but didn't reach toward them.

"Twins are a bit on the little side. There are two of them growing in a room built for one. It won't be long before they are just as big as the other babies here. But, we might need to keep them a couple extra days to get up to a weight where we're comfortable discharging them."

"Whatever is best for them. Wow. Twins."

"Would you like to hold them?"

"Really? Yeah."

The nurse put a pillow under each of Dean's arms before she laid the bundles in them. She took the first family picture. Dean was the proud, beaming father. Someone he never thought he'd ever get a chance to be.

Title: Love Has Many Forms, Part 2
Author/Artist: my_sam_dean
Character/Pairing: Dean, Sam
Fandom: Supernatural
Theme: 61 - stories

While his children grew and rested in the nursery, Dean got seat belts installed. He bought jumpers and buntings. He grabbed many pairs of socks and caps. Blankets of various sizes and weights conspired with the baby tales, so the children's books were a must.

Diapers, wipes, baby bottle warmers, spit up rags, bibs, and bouncy chairs were packed into the Impala. Two car seats were ready, awaiting their precious cargo. The babies' backpack held changes of clothes, diapers, ointment, formula, bottles and the camera.

Dean didn't want to miss a moment of his babies' lives. When it came to naming them, his son had a gigantic name to grow into, Knut Dean Winchester, while his daughter's name was softer, Linnae Sam Winchester.

Over the days, Nurse Lacy had taught him the basics of baby care. He'd given each of them a bath, changed them, fed them, dressed them and watched them sleep. When he was up at the nursery, he performed the all cares he could for Knut and Linnae. The nurses were always nearby if he had a question. His confidence grew and soon he was just caring for his children. It didn't matter that they were in the hospital. He could take just as good care of them at home.

He tried to be healthy. The cafeteria food wasn't as bad as hospital food is made out to be, but it wasn't exactly delicious. Vending machines were more tempting and bad habits died hard. He slept but he was still tired. He began to feel rundown and knew he was walking a fine line.

For being such a huge change in Dean's life, there wasn't any fanfare when Knut and Linnae were released. Dean pulled the Impala around. He helped the nurses get them strapped in the back seat. They had their pacifiers and blankets pulled up under their chins.

"Call us if you need anything." Nurse Lacy was reluctant to let them go.

"I've got both work and home, Nurse Lacy," he reminded her as he patted his pocket with his cell phone and smiled. She blushed. "I'll call you with updates and let you know where we settle down."

"I'd really like that. And, Dean, you'll continue to be an amazing father. Don't doubt yourself." Her face was earnest and she needed him to know what she felt deep in her bones. Dean nodded at her, showing that he understood, that she'd seen something when he was with the babies, some kind of gift, and he believed her. That's when her face relaxed into a smile.

Luckily, he'd unpacked the car and put the bags that they needed in their room earlier that day. Dean stopped to say, "Hello," to the lady at the front desk. He wanted to let her know about the babies if anyone complained, and that he was doing the best he could to keep them quiet.

"You don't look so good, Sir. Should I get you something?"

Dean looked at the lady behind the desk and couldn't believe what he was going to ask. "Do you have kids?"

"No. I have nieces and nephews, but they aren't babies anymore."

"I'm going to call my brother but he's still a few hours out." He showed her a picture of Sam from graduation and told her that he would come asking for a key to their room. "Do you know of a responsible person who could help me out with these two until he gets here?"

"Sure do. Just a minute."

He scrunched down by the baby seats. "Hey, angels. I'm going to get someone to help us. We're going to be okay."

"This is Felicia. She is an expert on kids."

"Do you have any bags?" a little gal stood in front of Dean. "I can help you with the babes. I have a couple myself. Three under the age of five. They're terrorizing Grandma along with their cousins. I miss when they were little like this. Oh, golly! We need to get you to your room. I can take this baby seat here. Are you okay with the other one?"

She continued her constant chatter all the way to their room. When he was in the bathroom taking Tylenol and changing into comfortable clothes, she spoke to the twins, telling them about her children or escapades of the neighbor kids.

He watched Felicia set out the items she'd need for the babies' bottles. He felt his family was safe. Before he fell asleep, he just had one harrowing phone call to make.

Ring. Ring.


"Sammy, can you meet me?"

Sam was irritated. "I'm at school, remember? I have classes and my name is Sam."

"Have I ever left you high and dry when you needed me?" he hated resorting to guilt but needed to use whatever means necessary.

Sam thought back to the trouble Dean got him out of over the years that their dad never found out about. "What do I need to bring?"

"Clothes. Plan on being gone about a week."

"What are we hunting?"

"We're not."

"Are you hurt?" Sam held his phone with both hands as he ran across campus.

"Just sick. I'll be okay but I need you here. Oh, don't shoot the lady in the room. She's here to help me."

The bratty part of being little brother reared its ugly head. "Why can't she stay? You're paying her by the hour, aren't you? Bet she has great bedside manners."

"Thought you were an adult. Guess not."

Sam sighed, wondering why he felt he had to jab Dean like that when he'd missed him terribly the whole time he'd been gone. "I need to notify my professors before I leave. Is there anything that I should pick up on my way?"

"Some Tylenol and Gatorade would be good."

"Got it."

Dean hung up. He never was big on goodbyes.


His joints hurt. He ached and he thought he might have groaned out loud. A lady's face came into view. "It's been four hours. Here's more pills."

Through blurry eyes, Dean tried to see the rest of the room. "Babies?" His mouth was dry and his tongue stuck to his teeth.

She propped him up so he could swallow the medicine. "They are fine. Both of them has eaten twice, a little each time. Don't worry about them. You rest."


She placed a cool hand on his forehead and pulled his covers higher. "No one has asked for you yet. I won't leave until he's here. Sleep."

He tried to remember his conversation with Sam. He had said he was coming, right? Did he say that he was hours away? That made no sense. Did Sam even have a car? Sam was going hunting. What was he after? All the unanswered questions boggled his fevered mind as Dean fell back into oblivion.


Felicia fed and changed the babies with an efficiency that only came with years of experience. She'd never had multiples. She was usually diapering a baby while chasing a toddler. Her house was not dull.

Dean worried her. She had made sure he had Tylenol every four hours and couldn't think of much else to do for him. He would kick off the covers and she would put them back on. He was tossing and mumbling about creatures and demons, things she hadn't thought about since she was little. She'd had nightmares about hell and its residents. It sounded as if he was running from the same things.

She sat on the bed with her ankles crossed, cradling Knut to her chest. He'd just finished his bottle and was being a stubborn little bugger about burping. Linnae laid next to her, sound asleep. The only noises in the room were Knut sucking on his fingers and Dean thrashing in bed.

Sam stopped outside the hotel door and couldn't hear anything. It was odd that Dean wasn't at one of those cheap motels on the edge of town. Why would he spend the extra money on a hotel, especially for a whole week? He was in the process of trying the keycard when he heard Dean yell.

He slammed the door open with his gun drawn. There was a woman in a maid uniform sitting on the far bed. Sam remembered Dean asking him not to shoot the lady in his room but still found it unusual. He stepped further in the room and saw Dean.

"What's wrong with him?" he demanded as he looked from Dean's sweaty forehead to her terrified face.

"I don't know. He just asked for help." Felicia had a difficult time getting the words past her lips.

"You always bring your kids to work with you?" Sam scoffed. He put his gun back in his jeans, figuring as long as she knew it was there she wouldn't try anything.

"These are his kids," Felicia pointed to Dean. "I was here out of the goodness of my heart. Guess this is all your responsibility now." She rose to her full height of five feet and huffed as she stomped past him.

Dean was a dad? He had a baby? No, he had two babies!?

"Wait!" Sam called just before she reached the door. "I don't know anything about babies and Dean's in no condition to tell me. Could you give me a crash course, please?"

"Okay, but not for you. I don't like you. I adore those babes. Just for them."

She wrote down instructions for making a bottle and when each had eaten. She showed him the contents of their backpack and demonstrated how to swaddle them. "I work tomorrow. Well, six hours from now. My name is Felicia if you need to call."

"Thank you, Felicia." Sam was contrite after how he'd treated her.

"Not for you, the babes. Remember that." She closed the door and he wondered what Dean had gotten him into.

Title: Love Has Many Forms, Part 4
Author/Artist: my_sam_dean
Character/Pairing: Dean, Sam
Fandom: Supernatural
Theme: 33 - charm

The housing allowance from Sam's scholarship covered rent for a small apartment in Palo Alto. Sam worked after school and some weekends in the campus cafeteria. Dean stayed home with the kids. Sam put flyers up on campus advertising Dean's auto repair and maintenance abilities, so he could earn a little money on the side.

Dean's new friend, Melanie, was a stay at home mom with one son. They were able to take the kids places together, talk about lack of sleep, ear infections and which doctors to bring the babies to. Melanie usually came up to Dean's apartment in case Dean needed to lie down. She was the perfect backup babysitter.

Melanie's husband had run off before Brady was born. Every day of Brady's life, he'd never had a dad. Just having Dean and Sam in his life gave him some male influence. Plus, they were funny and nice.

Sam came home in his kitchen whites. Melanie was on the couch with Brady while Knut and Linnae explored their crib on their bellies. There were nests made of blankets to help support them and plenty of toys to keep them interested, but they didn't like the work of having to hold their heads up.

He bent down and gave each baby a kiss. "You guys are so cute! You almost make me forget about how much today sucked."

"Sam!" Dean warned from the kitchen.

After popping his head around the corner, he sassed back, "Well it did." He grabbed a warm piece of garlic toast and sat at the table. "So, how were things here?"

"Linnae got up when you did. She has to see her uncle off to school, keep Dad company for awhile as I sort laundry or make a grocery list, and then she's out. I get to dash under the shower spray a few times before Knut is demanding his breakfast. I thought that would be a name he'd have to grow into, but he's already there. Between the two of them, I can't tell which baby runs the house, but I know we lost control a long time ago."

"I'm not going to fight you there." Sam called into the other room. "Mel! Do you and Brady want to stay for supper?"

"Are you sure we wouldn't be any trouble?"

"We'd be insulted if you didn't stay," Dean settled it once and for all. He wiped his hands on a dishcloth and scooped up the peanuts in the living room. "Tummy time is over. How 'bout we eat? Yay!"

Suppertime was important. It reminded them that they weren't alone. Melanie was a single mom, Sam was a student, and Dean was a single dad. But, together, they created a family of their own.


Winter drug on that first year. Sam was the only one who left the house on a regular basis to go to class and work. Melanie did the grocery shopping. All three babies stayed inside. There was a new strain of flu going around, much more serious than the regular seasonal flu. Melanie was able to get Brady both kinds of the vaccine. Linnae and Knut were too young.

Dean's immune system was weak ever since he'd had West Nile. Sam could pick up a tickle in his throat with a cough and s week later, Dean would be in at the clinic getting bronchitis. If Dean ever felt tired, he slept. That was just a rule. Melanie knew what kinds of foods to buy and Sam knew how to make Dean take care of himself.

When Melanie came sick with laryngitis, they nursed her back to health and showered extra love on Brady. He couldn't understand why his mom wasn't speaking to him.

Somewhere between the illnesses, cutting teeth and the splitting of household chores, they decided to let Melanie's apartment go. She was rarely there. Instead of the second bedroom being a nursery, Melanie had a single bed and Brady's crib in there. Sam and Dean had picked up two singles when they moved in. The crib made the room cramped but they had their eyes shut when they were sleeping anyway.

There were items that they'd done without but were so nice to have once they had them. Melanie had a few candles that smelled nice, a couple framed pictures and a little relaxing stand that had water running over rocks as if in a stream. In their nomadic lifestyle, they'd never put down roots. Maybe it was time to.


Since Dean was able to get sleep when he needed it and was eating the healthy meals that Sam prepared, his episodes became less frequent. He was getting more time with Knut, Linnae and Brady and even got some color on his cheeks when the sun started coming out again.

Melanie took care of the house but since they shared childcare duties, she had more free time. She was able to take classes to find a new hobby. She met some new friends. There was even time in her life for a 'special friend' named Rusty.

"Are you sure you're cool with this?" Melanie asked Sam for the third time. "We don't have to have him over. I can just meet him at a restaurant."

"The point isn't where you eat, we want to meet him," Sam explained as he smiled.

"What will Dean do?"

"Pull the ultimate big brother act. Give him the third degree. Make sure he's good enough for you and Brady."

Melanie looked like she'd swallowed her tongue.

"What else did you expect him to do, honestly?"

She shrugged. "Will Rusty survive?"

"If he's the right one for you he will," Dean answered the question himself. "We all have to look out for each other, right? Who else would have told Sam that Toni was a skank?"

"I'm still so sorry for that, Sam," Melanie clasped her hands together. "I didn't expect Dean to repeat what I'd told him in confidence." She glared at Dean.

"Who else was going to know what she said when Sam and I left the room? Her claws were already coming out just because you happen to have Sam and I as roommates. Did you really want Sam to date her?"

"No. But you could have called her something besides a skank."

"I calls 'em as I sees 'em," Dean gave Melanie a hug as Sam grinned at them from the stove. "Besides, didn't want Sam to waste his time when he could be finding Ms. Right. That goes the same for you."

"I liked Rusty from the little bit I saw him," Sam piped up. "When he stopped by to take you out last time, he was very polite and told everyone goodbye, even the kids."

"That earns brownie points with me," Dean said. "Did he know their names?"

"Yep," Melanie replied as pried herself out of Dean's arms. "He's seen my pictures of them. I think everyone I meet sees those pictures."

"They are darlings. We'd hate to deprive the world--"

"Right, Dean," Sam interrupted. "Can you set the table? Let Mel relax with the kids until our guest arrives."

Dean grumbled under his breath as he went in search for the table cloth they had used once upon a time.

Melanie knew a good dismissal line when she heard one. It was much easier for her to play with babies than listen to brothers argue. Blues Clues was on the television and knobby rattles with bight colors were the toys of choice.

"Whatcha doing, Linnae?" Melanie sat on the floor.

She smiled and drool dripped from the corner of her mouth.

Melanie ran her fingers through the girl's thin hair. "Look at that smile. Here, let me dry you off a little." She grabbed a rag to dry Linnae's face off. "There you go. All dressed in pink with lace and ruffles. You like your dress I picked out, don't you?"

The knock on the door interrupted the fashion talk. Melanie stood, brushed non-existent wrinkles from her skirt and opened the door. "Rusty. Come on in."

"These are for you," he blushed as he handed her a dozen flowers, each one a different kind.

"Thank you." She kissed his cheek. "I'll get something to put them in. Come with me and I'll introduce you to the guys."

"Guys," Melanie started as soon as they entered the kitchen. "This is Rusty. Rusty, this is Sam by the stove and Dean is by the table."

"Hey," they replied back in unison.

"What do you like to do, Rusty?" Sam tried to make him feel at home as he reached a vase for Melanie's flowers.

"I work in the Administration Building at the College. It's all mostly paperwork, but it allows me to do what I enjoy in my time off. I have a cabin where I fish in the river and can hike in the woods. It's nice to leave the city behind. What do you do?"

"I'm studying to be an attorney and work in the kitchen. Most of my free time is spent here," Sam replied.

Dean sighed. "Can't say I've been doing much besides being a dad. They keep me busy."

"I bet they do," Rusty smiled.

A dust up was heard from the other room. Brady yelled gibberish.

"I'll go check on that." Melanie slipped past Sam and Rusty.

Sam took the top bowl from the stack next to him. "I'd better get this dished up before the natives get restless."

That was the start of a great meal, a new friendship and a budding romance.


One by one, many changes were made around their household. Dean had received a letter from a solicitor. The twins had been named as benefactors in an estate. An enclosed note from their great-grandmother explained how she and her family had a falling out. She had never even met Tami. A private investigator had tracked the twins down. Dean, as their father, inherited a home in a small, quiet town.

The Winchesters, Melanie, Brady and Rusty made the trip to Shadow Lake. They had rented rooms at the Grand Motel, the only place available in town. After the two-hour drive, the kids were cranky. Melanie and Rusty swore they could handle the little sleepyheads. Dean gabbed the key and address and he and Sam were able to walk to their destination.

It was white and had three steps up to a wide veranda. There was a porch swing hanging beside a huge picture window that had stained glass across the top. It was a pattern of a flower stretched side to side. There was a matching window on the other side of the front door. There was no doubting the love and care that had gone into the home.

Inside, there was a little entry with a bench to sit on and keep shoes under and coat hooks. Further in, the living room and dining room were wide open. The ceilings were high and the woodwork faming them was detailed.

The dining room held a dining set with a large wooden table and six matching chairs. There was a china cabinet in the corner.

In the living room, there was a fireplace, couch, armchair and roll top desk. There was a freestanding box television with a video/DVD player placed on the top.

Cabinets in the kitchen went all the way to the ceiling. Sam was thrilled with all the shelf space. A pantry was next to the kitchen and had supplies used for canning.

"There must be a garden," Sam turned in the small room to tell Dean. "Looks like they did quite a bit of canning. That would be better for you than anything from the store."

"Do you have any idea how to do that? 'Cause I don't."

"We can learn. They have books on everything."

A half-bath that was just off a small bedroom that was the last room downstairs.

"How many baby gates do we have?" Sam asked as he counted the steps until the landing and turned to see how steep they were.

"I don't think the removable ones from the store are going to cut it. We're going to need something sturdier for when they are older. And, the spindles are too far apart. We'll come up with something." Dean led the way up the remaining stairs.

The second floor had three large bedrooms, a full bath and a narrow door which led to the attic. There was a room to one side of stairwell in the attic. To the other side, there were items covered in sheets.

"What could all this be?" Dean reached out to pull on the light cord.

"Family heirlooms," Sam's voice was full of awe. "Looks like some furniture, extra linens. Here's a cradle. Wouldn't that have been neat to have when the twins were smaller? There' probably a highchair up here somewhere. Should we search for it?"

Dean nodded. "We 're not on a schedule. I'd like a rocking chair or recliner in the nursery."

Sam continued exploring the area.

"Sam, I'm done with hunting, for good. If a creature finds us, that's different--no one touches my family. Are you going to go back to hunting?"

"No, I'm not going to hunt. But, are you going to be able to make a clean cut with the friends we've counted on?"

"I never said it would be easy. I don't want to have an injured hunter knocking at my door in the middle of the night. Knut and Linnae don't need to know about that kind of life."

"They deserve the childhood we missed out on."

"It is a nice house, small town and has an area school. We could just stay here in the summer. You're still on scholarship at Stanford, right?"

"Yeah. I should graduate from Pre-Law in two years."

"Knut and Linnae will be running around getting into everything by then. Still going to want to continue to Law School with the rugrats underfoot?"

"I was thinking of taking some time off before Law School. I don't want to miss out on them growing up. I feel like I get a childhood when I see their faces light up at something new. Just seeing the world through their eyes is amazing."

"I guess that's a good reason. After all, they'll be forced into schooling soon enough. You can hear about all the trouble they got into at school while we're sitting around the supper table. I guess I could get the added bonus of getting called to the principal's office. Want to tackle that problem when it comes up?"

Sam laughed. "No way, Dean. They are your kids and you're all alone on that one. Knut will either get in a fight or get caught kissing a girl."

"Linnae could get in a fight. She's just got it in her."

"It'll be interesting. Very interesting."

The two of them locked the house up and walked back to the hotel.

"It feels safe here," Dean said. "We know what is really out there, but this town seems friendly. One bar, one motel, two churches and one community park. It has places where everyone seems to fit in. Maybe I could fit in, you know?"

"You can do anything you set your mind to. You're the one that told me that."

"Guess I did," Dean looked up and down the street. "Is this something you want?"

"I think I might."

Title: Love Has Many Forms, Part 5
Author/Artist: my_sam_dean
Character/Pairing: Dean, Sam
Fandom: Supernatural
Theme: 62 - chime

"You look pretty in all of them," Sam waved his hand and sighed. "Which one do you like best?"

"I'm not sure. What do you think, Dean?" Melanie turned to face him wearing one dress and holding the other two choices. "Just be blunt with me. I can take it."

Sam shot a warning look at Dean, trying to remind Dean that Melanie was their friend and they wanted to keep her as a friend. But, Dean wasn't looking his way.

He bit his lip as he studied the dresses. "The one with the flowers--I just don't like. It's too loud or Hawaiian or something." Melanie set that dress down. "The pink one showed more cleavage, if that's the look you want. The one you're wearing is more modest. The bottom and sleeves do that flirty-ruffle thing. It's form-fitting and the muted colors show off your face."

Sam's jaw dropped.

"Wow. I didn't expect that much detail. Thanks." Melanie turned back to the dressing rooms.

"When did you grow up?" Sam asked Dean.

"I want her to be happy. When she looks back at her wedding, I want her to remember how beautiful it all was because she deserves it."

Nodding, Sam said no more about it as he saw Melanie returning from purchasing the dress.


That summer, the Winchesters were a part of a beautiful union of two soul mates. The small country church was filled to capacity on the day of Melanie and Rusty's wedding. Knut and Linnae toddled down the aisle holding Dean and Sam's hands. They were scooped up when their feet got too tired. Brady was supposed to walk his mom down the aisle but he freaked at the last minute. There was some shuffling of bodies but the problem was resolved quickly.

Rusty held Brady up at the altar. Two nice ladies got to coo over the twins. Sam and Dean walked Melanie down to meet her groom.

Photos were taken of the newlyweds, family, and one of everyone who attended the celebration (except for the poor photographer. Someone had to take the picture.) The background was the Winchester porch. When everyone had squeezed in to get the picture taken, the photographer had some of the men sit on the steps. A few of the smaller children were perched on the railing, secured by a parent or relative standing next to them.

The reception was held at the Winchesters' house. It had the advantage of a huge yard. The children could run and play while the adults talked on the porch and sipped iced tea. Children laughed and played tag. Most of them had changed out of their good clothes so they didn't have to worry about getting dirty. The girls were trying to stay clean but the boys were, well, boys.

The wedding cake was displayed inside. Sam had worried over that cake all week because he wanted to get it exactly right. He'd been pouring over magazines for just the right one to make. Dean was better when it came to modifying anything, so he explained how Sam could make a simplifier version of what caught his eye. When Melanie saw her cake, she started to cry. So, Sam's cake was perfect or damn close.

An impromptu ballgame broke out. Men left their suit coats near the house and joined in the fun. After all, they were just big boys at heart. Some girls played but none of the women did. For awhile it looked like Melanie was going to join a team. Dean could tell from the gleam in her eye that she wanted to be out there, but she was being too ladylike. Instead, she cheered the loudest for both teams.

Slowly the party dwindled down. Guests left as the children tired out and needed to sleep. The sun set and crickets sang their nightly tune. After saying goodbye to the last guest, Melanie crept up the steps to check on Brady. It was one more last time before she and Rusty left for their week long honeymoon at the cabin. She'd never left him overnight before.

"Did you remember your cell phone? She'll make you turn around and get it, wedding night or not." Dean advised Rusty.

"I've got the charger, too. Phone's no good without a battery."

"Damn right."

Sam set a box on the table. "Here is a Honeymoon Survival Kit. Don't look at me, it was Dean's idea."

"Well, I thought we could throw a few things together for you."

"Dean made a Honeymoon Survival Kit?" Melanie sounded unsure. "Is it safe to open?"

"Gees! What type of guy do you take me for?" Dean spoke up. "Do I need to have Sam vouch for my good intentions?"

"I'll vouch for Dean on this one, only because I know most of what is in there. I also have a picnic basket with containers of food and desserts."

"You've both done so much for us already," Melanie was going to start crying all over again. Rusty knew that mascara was waterproof and his new wife was putting it to the test.

"We really enjoyed helping you plan your wedding. It will be fun to have Brady with Knut and Linnae for a week." Sam assured her.

"Are you sure a week isn't too long?"

"Not a problem at all. Call whenever you want to check on him." Dean knew that it was going to be quite often.

"Did we leave all the numbers?" Melanie pointed to the fridge.

"They are listed on our fridge. We even have Rusty's school contact information and we know he won't be there. We'll just spoil Brady rotten and then give him back to you."

"Thank you for everything." Melanie hugged Sam and Dean. "Today was wonderful."

"It was exactly what we'd hoped for," Rusty thanked them. Dean tried holding a hand out to Rusty but Rusty ignored it and gave Dean a hug anyway. Sam bypassed the handshake and went straight for the hug.

After waving to the newlyweds and wishing them a safe journey, they returned inside and locked up.

"So, what did you put in their Honeymoon Survival Kit?" Sam asked as soon as the door was closed.

"Candles, matches, lotions, aspirin, champagne, strawberries, chocolate sauce, two disposable cameras, sunscreen, bug repellant, band-aids, condoms, a strip poker game, and massage oils. What did you think I would have in there?"

"I don't know. Porn magazines. Sex toys. I expected the strip poker."

Dean stood in the middle of the kitchen and asked, "Should we get started on this mess or leave it until morning?"

"Put what needs to be cooled in the fridge and leave the rest," Sam suggested. "You know they're going to be up soon."


A few minutes later they checked on the three little angels who were fast asleep. As for Sam and Dean, they fell asleep as soon as their heads their pillows.


"He's fine, Mel. He misses you but we tell him all the time how much you love him and that you'll be back soon. I'm not kidding. Sam would not let me joke about something as important as that. You enjoying your time alone? Really? Okay, Mel. You'd better put him on." Dean rolled his eyes and sighed. "Rusty? What the hell are you doing out there in that cabin? You're supposed to be romancing your lady. Instead, you go fishing by yourself at the break of dawn and leave her alone in bed! The fish can wait. It's your bride that I'd worry about getting away! Wine her and dine her, man. If you can't cook, take her out to a nice restaurant in town, even if it is twenty miles away. Do they have cloth napkins? Yep. That's the one you should go to. Apologize profusely for that fishing thing. You really stepped in shit with that. I'm sure she'll forgive you. One goof isn't bad."

"Don't be so mean," Sam grabbed the phone away. "Rusty? It's Sam. Don't stress out. Just enjoy your honeymoon. Make Mel laugh. She's not complicated. She'll tell you if she's mad. Okay. Bye!" Sam closed the cell phone and counted to ten. He still felt angry so he counted to ten again.

Dean wasn't difficult to find. He was in the kitchen premixing formula for the bottles.

"I can't believe you made Rusty feel like dirt over something he did on his honeymoon."

"I was trying to give him pointers."

"You weren't doing it very nicely," Sam sighed. "Is there going to be a problem now that Mel and Rusty are married?"

"No. I'm just tired. I'll apologize the next time they call." Dean put the caps on the bottles and set them in the fridge.

"That's good."

A baby's cry sounded through the house. "Brady." They said at the same time.

Dean picked up a bottle, burp rag and went to feed him. Sam sat in a chair in the living room listening to the peace and quiet. They didn't get to hear it much. Silence soaked into his pores as he melded with the chair, making them one. Then, there was a whimper that changed to a piercing scream.

"I'm coming, Linnae. Uncle Sam has your bottle and I'm bringing one for Knut, too." Sam dashed up the stairs as fast as he could with the three baby gates securely in place.

"Oh, baby," Sam put all of the items he was carrying down on the dresser. Then, he grabbed Linnae. He changed her diaper and she squawked at the indignity of it all.

Sam, ever the talker, had Linnae smiling as she sucked on the nipple. Formula crept out the sides of her mouth.

"Don't need you spilling it on your clothes. It needs to go in your tummy." Linnae looked at him with big eyes as if she could understand every word he said. He smiled down at her as he wiped her chin off.

"How's she doing?" Dean stood in the doorway with Brady, who was whimpering.

"She's fine. What's up with Brady?"

Dean shrugged. "Got the blues? Misses Mom? Pick one."

"Let's swap. We're going to try the porch swing." Sam picked up another blanket and tucked Brady as close as possible to him. When Sam made the swing sway, Brady closed his eyes in the breeze that was created. "Do you like that? Huh?" Sam kept up a running dialogue all by himself and Brady quieted down. He gripped Sam's shirt in his fist and he looked ready to cry, but he was brave.

For the first forty-eight hours, Brady demanded Sam's attention. As soon as Sam picked him up, Brady would get a death grip on him and he'd just tag along with whatever Sam was doing. Brady didn't care where he was or what he was doing. It was who he was with that he was concerned about. After that, Sam still got up with him at night but Brady was familiar with his surroundings and able to handle the days.

Melanie and Rusty came back looking refreshed and stress-free. Then, they stepped into the Winchester House of Chaos.

Sam was trying to make lunch and it wasn't going so well. Something had spilled in the oven and the fire detectors were sounding off. The noise scared three little ones who added their cries to the mix. Dean was dripping wet, sitting on the floor, trying to comfort three babies at once. No one noticed when the couple was back.

Rusty went to investigate the smoke coming from the kitchen. He opened windows on the way to a frazzled Sam. He was running water over something in the sink that sizzled. After Sam noticed Rusty, he removed the batteries of the nearest smoke detector. He moved the stepladder around until he had all of them that were going off.

Melanie stepped over some toys and picked up the nearest squalling one. Dean smiled at her and held the other two, rocking them and trying his best to calm them. Sam came in, took one from Dean, and the babies were easier to comfort one-on-one. It also helped that it was finally quiet except for the ringing in their ears.

When Rusty walked in, Dean handed his bundle over. "I was in the shower when all hell broke loose. I'm going to get dried off and dressed in more than just my underwear." He was walking toward the staircase when he called over his shoulder, "If any of you are wondering, these steps are killer with wet feet!"

Chuckling, Sam shook his head. "He did come flying down here. I didn't notice what he was wearing."

"I didn't either," Melanie told him, "but I used to help with laundry. I saw your undies when I washed them. Boxers aren't that big of deal."

Sam's ears turned red and he suddenly found the floor extremely interesting.

Rusty cleared his throat and whispered to Melanie, "Honey? I don't think Sam wants to be reminded of you and his underwear."

"It's not like it's a big deal." Melanie used her regular voice and not a whisper back.

"Maybe to him it is."

"I lived with these guys. They're not shy around me."

"It's different now that I'm here," Rusty was trying his damnedest.

"Why?" She gave him a look of utter confusion.

He gave up and shook his head. "Never mind."

Even the babies were silent until Dean came back. "Hey, guys! What did I miss?"

"Nothing!" Sam, Rusty and Melanie replied in unison.

Dean felt like he'd entered 'The Twilight Zone' but he didn't ask any questions.

#33: charm, #47: every you every me, #62: chime, fandom: supernatural, #61: stories

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