(no subject)

Feb 03, 2006 14:00

well, hello people from livejournal whom i haven't talked to in 320492309432094 years. I bet you are all so excited i'm updating, because i am God and you just love my entries. don't lie.

so the past few months have been fucking amazing. they have consisted of extacsy, lsd, stacked up piles of humans on my bedroom floor, cocaine, ganja, techno, pills, dancing, pacifiers, nakedness, setting smoke alarms off in hotel rooms, and insomnia. i have been chased by ducks down peters road while tripping on acid, almost hit by a slew of cars while running on state road 84 trying to get away from these demonic.. squaking creatures. i have smoked some of the finest herb known to man also, and yes, i am going to brag about this.

most of all, i love my close circle of friends right now, just because they are so amazing. there is seth, who is obsessed with wearing make up and various layers of womens clothing who owns a collection of cd's including cher, blondie, the cheetah girls, and madonna. this young man is also a teacher at a christian nursery who brings drug paraphanelia to work and doesn't wear underwear. he also has a shirt that says hang out with your wang out, among many others. this is the only kid i know that gets sexually harassed by male drug dealers. if anything changed about this boy, i would cry. he's fucking cool, and my partner in crime. then, there's allison, who is obsessed with dead animals and people, and who orders books off of amazon about necrophilia and weird types of sex. she also enjoys reading articles about how some woman would masturbate herself with a slew of maggots. i thought it was really disgusting. though she is one of the most beautiful friends i have, she is definitely the weirdest. i love this girl because of the bond we share. we are so different, but so the same.. and she is always there to listen to me. she is the voice of reason when i'm about to do something really stupid that could either kill me or get me in a lot of trouble. the rest of my friends are too oblivious to realize that sometimes we come up with really crazy shit that could really fuck us over. she is the most motivated to do things and has the least of the stoner mentality in the group. she's kind of more speedy.. like someone that does coke. but she doesn't, so don't think that. allison never makes sense(i.e kicking the box episode), but thats okay because i love her anyway. she will be the next jesus christ superstar. mark my wordz. then there's geoff, whom is always talking about philosophy and if i ever have to hear about how there is so much energy in the universe i'm going to need a coronary. on first glance, or first impression, you'd think that he was born in the totally wrong era and should go back to 1960 as soon as it becomes possible for time travel. his ass is always hanging out, and sometimes his dick, but whatever. i'm used to it. he's completely tone deaf but still tries to sing, and it's hilarious. he claims not to get drunk, but hands a pizza guy 20 dollars when the bill is 15 and somehow still gets an extra dollar squeezed out of him because they knew he was fucked up and that he could be taken advantage of. he's one of those hit-hit-pass people, so if you don't like to be rushed when smoking, don't smoke with geoff. i love this boy because he has been there for me through the hardest times to handle these past couple of years. no one could ever replace his genuine personality or the bond that we have. he is my best friend, ever, through thick and thin.. and he's even cooler because he found marina, who is someone i can't live without if i even tried to picture it. she is the closest i will ever have to a sister. it's hard to talk about marina, because it's hard to put how i feel about her in words. if one of us had to get the most likely to succeed award, it would be her. she's a genious and shes fucking amazing at art. being an indie rock bluff like me, we share a common bond that no one else in the group does. when she first me me, and everyone else, she was really shy, straight edge, and didn't really talk. let me tell you, there has been a vast change in that. whenever something is wrong, she comes up with the most logical advice and holds my hand the entire way until i know i'm going to be okay. i know for a fact that she is going to be one of those people that i'll know forever. what i love about her most is how she treats geoff. i am so glad he finally found someone that has substance and makes him happy, rather than a sleazy whore bitch who plays victim and took him and everything else she had for granted. last, but not least, there is danielle, whom i have a crazy friendship with. we have witnessed car jackings, public intoxication, and extremely good shows. even though we have our fights, i know she's got my back and i have hers. i love smoking weed together when it's just the two of us. we have the best conversations and there is never a dull moment. i love the fact that these 6 people can be together every weekend and most of the week and never feel tired of eachother. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH XOXOXOXOXOXO.

in other news, i'm single, i'm loving it, and i'm about to go get my eyebrows waxed. i also just found out i'm sitting in a guys desk that sheds skin and now i'm really grossed out and leaving. peaceeeeeee.
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