Apr 20, 2005 10:43
So, I'm coming home from Chico today. Have an apt tomorrow at 8:40 in the morning. Have to go with Sarai to an appointment she has.. I think that's still on. Gotta call her...
All in all, I'd have to say, nothing much has changed. I mean, I go from content to uncomfy to content in a matter of seconds... words are all it takes to make me feel insecure about it all, but if i really look at it, like they say, if i really look at his actions and see what he's telling me with his actions, not his words, it's not so hard to see what's really going on. and i'm ok with it all.. i mean, it's not like i'm settling for less than i deserve, and it's not like he's using me or i'm using him... it's like they say: if it weren't that way, i'd know by now. i don't have to make up lames excuses to justify his behavior because he always treats me pretty well. i just exaggerate it all, i think. because it's really not so bad as it seems, if i think about it...
anyway, i'm about to leave the airport, i just wanted to get that off my chest. :) it'll be an ok day. :) ♥