[Episode 017] Hadrian Guests, Bears are the New Black, and Bearruns 101

Feb 20, 2009 15:55

Our buddy
hadrianm joined us for Episode 17 which found Dave home with a cold and Vito off on the road in Dallas.

The fellas talked about their weekends some.  Justin was dealing with his own cold, Brian headed to Palm Springs and had fun with his pal Cliff watching movies and Battlestar Galactica.  A bunch of the guys went to celebrate our friend Rob's graduation from nursing school.

Hadrian, JP, and Brian all attended a screening of the movie "Coraline" in 3D and they each agreed it was highly entertaining and enjoyable.  You can check out other creative works by Neil Gaiman and his blog at http://www.neilgaiman.com/

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An example of creepy - the pink elephant scene from Disney's Dumbo

JP and the fellas get into a discussion about beards, bear types, and why we're attracted to men with facial hair.  Hadrian and Brian spend a little time of the group therapy couch too :-)

619Bearcast buddy Ed, from New Jersey and the current state of his beard (um, woof!)

Didja head to IBR?  And if you did - did you have fun???

JP on stage at TBRU having a ball (hey, there's Woofer in that line-up too - I dunno, JP I might have to change my comment on yer solid 2nd place to a tie with Woofer - heheh)

So how about you?  Best Bear Run memories?  Worst?

Has Facebook brought any welcome and familiar faces into your life?  Folks you haven't seen in ages?

Cheers everyone - See you in Episode 18!

bear runs, movies, hadrian, facebook, friends, episode 017

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